请分析这个英文句子,有关于语法和句子结构及单词的用法.release me from my unfulfilled past clinging to me from behind making death difficult.let this be my last word,that i trust thy love.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 11:28:32
请分析这个英文句子,有关于语法和句子结构及单词的用法.release me from my unfulfilled past clinging to me from behind making death difficult.let this be my last word,that i trust thy love.

请分析这个英文句子,有关于语法和句子结构及单词的用法.release me from my unfulfilled past clinging to me from behind making death difficult.let this be my last word,that i trust thy love.
release me from my unfulfilled past clinging to me from behind making
death difficult.
let this be my last word,that i trust thy love.

请分析这个英文句子,有关于语法和句子结构及单词的用法.release me from my unfulfilled past clinging to me from behind making death difficult.let this be my last word,that i trust thy love.

这段话第一句是以一个祈使句开头,用的是短语搭配release sb from…,意为“使某人免除/不…… ;)把某人从…中解脱、释放出来”。在本句中,my unfulfilled past是介词from的宾语,其后紧跟的clinging to me from behind是现在分词作后置定语,如果还改成定语从句就会是that is clinging to me from behind,它修饰限定的...


这段话第一句是以一个祈使句开头,用的是短语搭配release sb from…,意为“使某人免除/不…… ;)把某人从…中解脱、释放出来”。在本句中,my unfulfilled past是介词from的宾语,其后紧跟的clinging to me from behind是现在分词作后置定语,如果还改成定语从句就会是that is clinging to me from behind,它修饰限定的就是my unfulfilled past(我过去未竟的一切)。making death difficult是现在分词短语作伴随状语。
第二句let this be my last word, that I trust thy love是一个以let开头的祈使句,用的短语搭配是let sb/ sth do…,意为“让某人或某物做……”本句后半部分的that i trust thy love是一个that从句,是last word的同位语从句,进一步说明last word的具体内容即I trust thy love,I trust thy love这一句是一个简单的主谓宾结构,I是主语 ,trust是谓语动词,thy love是宾语,其中,thy是love的前置定语,是一个物主代词,thy是your的古语形式。整段话译成汉语就是:
先前之未竟啊,从后缠缚而来,令死亡变成一件难事,请让我免遭此苦,放我解脱吧 !我相信你的爱,就让此句作为我最后的别语。


release me [from my unfulfilled past][1]* [clinging to me] [2]* [from behind making death difficult.] [3]*
这是一个祈使句:【Release me. 放了我吧。】其余部分[1][2][3]全是状语。
[1][from my unfulfilled past]: ...


release me [from my unfulfilled past][1]* [clinging to me] [2]* [from behind making death difficult.] [3]*
这是一个祈使句:【Release me. 放了我吧。】其余部分[1][2][3]全是状语。
[1][from my unfulfilled past]: from介词结构,release...from...从...释放,说【把我从我的unfulfilled past中释放】[fulfilled],[完成、充实、成就、满足]。所以其反义unfulfilled表达的就是一种懊悔和挫败感。
[2]分词结构作状语,修饰的是[1]中的past, cling to粘着、守着、不放; 说这个过去总是缠着我不放。
[3]from behind...从...后面,这个结构是介词状语修饰的是[2]中的cling,behind后面是动名词,说我的过去在[making death difficult]这件事情的身后紧紧缠着我不放。其实也就是说,使我death difficult这件事的后面的根源就是[我的过去]。
let this be my last word, that i trust thy love.
thy 是古语 对应的是thou(你)的所有格。用于古诗和古文中,,意思是:你的、汝之。


请分析这个英文句子,有关于语法和句子结构及单词的用法.release me from my unfulfilled past clinging to me from behind making death difficult.let this be my last word,that i trust thy love. 请分析这个英文句子,有关于语法和句子结构及单词的用法(急需)Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fallthere with a sign. 请帮忙分析一下这个句子的成分和语法结构,谢谢!This is not necessarily the case, however. 英文短句分析tomorrow will be a trying day!这个句子很简单,但还是麻烦各位帮我分析一下结构和语法. enough of waiting 这个句子的语法结构怎么分析? 请高手帮忙分析一下这个英语句子的语法结构,The feast to honor the war god the means by which a company ensured precision in the prices it offered请帮忙分析这个句子结构,语法! 请帮我分析一下 what do you think i am doing 的句子成分.请告诉我这个句子的句子结构,语法成分. 分析一下句子结构,这个句子看不懂. 英语语法:请从语法角度分析这个句子的语法结构:China, with 1.3 million population, compared to other countries, has more human labor. Thought is already is late,exactly is the earliest time.从语法和句子结构的角度,帮我分析这个句子, 英语句子结构分析:请从语法角度分析这个句子结构,特别是developed after weeks of research这部分,谢Many,ideas,developed after weeks of research,may not prove successful. 麻烦帮我分析一下这个句子的语法结构This is as good an example as the other is.这个句子是什么语法结构呢? 大家帮我分析一下这个英语句子的结构和语法,1.Seeing from the hilltop,I find the beatiful scene.这是语法结构?这是什么语法结构,漏写了“什么” 英语语法,求详细分析这个句子的成分,指出语法结构, 帮忙分析一下这个句子的语法结构吧that is all there is to it 一个英语句子结构的分析---高手进Hey!How are you guys doing?请分析这个句子的结构, La maîtresse me demande d'être sa demoiselle d'honneur.我想请问这个句子结构.La maîtresse me demande d'être sa demoiselle d'honneur.请讲解这个句子的语法结构分析.