英语翻译Being different在这个特立独行的时代里,所有的人都在追求个性与张扬,所有人都期盼自己可以是人群中最闪耀的焦点,但是,在我们成为与众不同的那一个的同时,我们似乎忽略了,或缺失

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 17:30:02
英语翻译Being different在这个特立独行的时代里,所有的人都在追求个性与张扬,所有人都期盼自己可以是人群中最闪耀的焦点,但是,在我们成为与众不同的那一个的同时,我们似乎忽略了,或缺失

英语翻译Being different在这个特立独行的时代里,所有的人都在追求个性与张扬,所有人都期盼自己可以是人群中最闪耀的焦点,但是,在我们成为与众不同的那一个的同时,我们似乎忽略了,或缺失
Being different
在这个特立独行的时代里,所有的人都在追求个性与张扬,所有人都期盼自己可以是人群中最闪耀的焦点,但是,在我们成为与众不同的那一个的同时,我们似乎忽略了,或缺失了什么.(forget sth miss sth or even lose sth)
当越来越多所谓的自由、个性在开始侵蚀年轻人的观念的时候,当越来越多的人以近乎哗众取宠的姿态来博得大众记住的时候,当越来越多年纪同我一样甚至比我还年轻的人以一种挑战社会底线的方式去成就自己的different的时候,我们,是不是应该开始反省,或者重新认识,什么,才是真正的being different.
我曾经看过一个广告,讲述的是一个失聪的小女孩在经历许多波折之后,站上了音乐大赛的舞台,用一把破旧的小提琴演奏出了一首让全场屏息的卡农.广告的最后出现了一句英文I can shine.
你们看,一个没有听力的孩子,一个与在座的各位如此different的孩子,而她让人们记住的,却不是身体上的残缺,是她比常人多付出几倍甚至几十倍的汗水与努力,她跨越了上帝给予的最不公平的different,成就了自己闪耀、光辉的different.她用她的琴声鼓舞着人们,她用的她琴弦拉揍出别样的人生.I can shine这三个单词带给我的,是对being different 真正的理解——to be excellent
当美国总统罗斯福告诉人们“勇往直前地去做,直到成功为止”时,当贝多芬说I will take fate by the throat,it will not bend me completely to its will的时候.说当霍金说It matters if you just don't give up的时候.这些才是真正的being different,从灵魂深处的改编与升华.

英语翻译Being different在这个特立独行的时代里,所有的人都在追求个性与张扬,所有人都期盼自己可以是人群中最闪耀的焦点,但是,在我们成为与众不同的那一个的同时,我们似乎忽略了,或缺失
English speech translation (hurry hurry,find good people to help ...)
Reward points:100 - still 14 days away from the issue of the end of 23 hours
Being different
In this maverick era,everyone in the pursuit of individuality and unassuming,they can all look forward to is the focus of the crowd the most sparkling,but distinctive in that we become one,we seem to ignored,or missing something.(Forget sth miss sth or even lose sth)
As more and more so-called free,personalized start eroding the concept of young people,when more and more people with almost grandstanding gesture to win the public to remember the time when more and more like me and even older I was a young person than to a challenge to the social bottom line achievements of their own different way,we,is not it should begin to reflect on,or re-understanding,what is the real being different.
I had seen an advertisement,the story of a deaf little girl going through many twists and turns,the points competition on the music stage,with an old violin played out a Canon to the audience breathless.The last appeared in an ad in English I can shine.
You see,a deaf child,one with all of you such a different child,and she let people remember,not the physical defects,she paid several times more than the common people and even several times the sweat and hard work She crossed to the most unfair of God's different,their success shines bright different.She encouraged her tweedle people pulling the strings she beat out her different life.I can shine three words bring to me,is a real understanding of being different - to be excellent
When U.S.President Franklin Roosevelt told the people to "move forward to do it until success is achieved",when Beethoven said,I will take fate by the throat,it will not bend me completely to its will in time.Said that when Stephen Hawking said,It matters if you just don't give up the time.These are the real being different,adapted from the soul and sublimation.

In this era of eccentric, all the people in the pursuit of individual character and make public, all hope oneself can is the focus of the crowd, but in us become extraordinary one, we seem to be overl...


In this era of eccentric, all the people in the pursuit of individual character and make public, all hope oneself can is the focus of the crowd, but in us become extraordinary one, we seem to be overlooked, or missing. Accidents or accidents (Gospel to lose that athletes)
As more and more of the so-called the liberty of individuality and at the beginning of the concept of youth erosion, when more and more people with an almost sensationalistic attitude to make public remember, when more than the same age with me or I was still young people with a challenge to the bottom society of his way, we *, should start afresh, introspection, or what, true being *.
I once read an advertisement, is about a deaf girl after many twists, the music on the stage, using a series of old violin out a breath in the game make. Advertising in the end I appear shine.
You see, a child, a hearing with all of you and the children so * let people remember her body, but not fragmentary, she is more than the average pay a few times even a few times of sweat and work, she has god given the across of unfair, their * *, glorious shine. She used her piano inspired people with her, she pulled strings that hit the life. These three words I can shine to bring me, is being * real understanding - to excellent
When the President Roosevelt courage to tell people "success", until I say, when Beethoven fate by any registrations, it will not give me your dormitories for its assailant. Say when hawking said it matters. Can I maps of rising. These are the real soul from being *, the adaptation and sublimation


英语翻译some people think that advertising discourage us from being different individuals by making us all look the same. 英语翻译Some people think that advertising discourages us from being different individuals by making us all look the same. 英语问题theory stated in the passage was very different ……在stated 前面加being ,意思有变化没,being 有什么用呢 英语翻译much more different. 英语翻译legislation also serves to manage diversity by protecting people who may be discriminated against on the basis of being different. 英语翻译Being different在这个特立独行的时代里,所有的人都在追求个性与张扬,所有人都期盼自己可以是人群中最闪耀的焦点,但是,在我们成为与众不同的那一个的同时,我们似乎忽略了,或缺失 英语翻译being better对吗? being用英语翻译 human being英语翻译 英语翻译Because the information required to connect to different external systems varies,the Connection documents require different information based on which system is being accessed.这里 which 指代什么 英语翻译she told me that being a nun was no different than if she had stayed in Aurora and lived a normal life.中的Aurora如何翻译,Aurora 应该是一个地名,而且是在英国或者非洲,但是不太可能是北极或者南极之类的 It was very hard being different.并说明语法. 急:求3分钟英文演讲稿一篇(Being Different)Being Different时间:3分钟左右 英语翻译different with my life 英语翻译1楼He can lay claim to being the genius of tragedy.being在这句话里是什么意思 Being alone and being lonely are two different things.麻烦解释一下这句话!在线等,快点 英语翻译用上 come into being 英语翻译being thus driven driven