小妇人、少年维特之烦恼、嘉莉妹妹.经典语句!要小妇人,少年维特的烦恼、嘉莉妹妹的中英经典语句,还要你所看书页码.中英都要!Little women The sorrow of young werther Sister carrie 我要中英文对照~

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 23:38:12
小妇人、少年维特之烦恼、嘉莉妹妹.经典语句!要小妇人,少年维特的烦恼、嘉莉妹妹的中英经典语句,还要你所看书页码.中英都要!Little women The sorrow of young werther Sister carrie 我要中英文对照~

小妇人、少年维特之烦恼、嘉莉妹妹.经典语句!要小妇人,少年维特的烦恼、嘉莉妹妹的中英经典语句,还要你所看书页码.中英都要!Little women The sorrow of young werther Sister carrie 我要中英文对照~
要小妇人,少年维特的烦恼、嘉莉妹妹的中英经典语句,还要你所看书页码.中英都要!Little women The sorrow of young werther Sister carrie
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小妇人、少年维特之烦恼、嘉莉妹妹.经典语句!要小妇人,少年维特的烦恼、嘉莉妹妹的中英经典语句,还要你所看书页码.中英都要!Little women The sorrow of young werther Sister carrie 我要中英文对照~
少年维特之烦恼经典语句:01、what a thing is the heart of man! ~~~~~~~~~~ [人心真是一个难以琢磨的东西!]
  02、Have not other attachments been specially appointed by fate to torment a head like mine?
  ~~~~~~~~~~ [命运偏偏安排我卷入一些感情纠葛之中,不正为了使我这颗心惶惶终日吗?]
  03、what is man, that he dares so to accuse himself?
  ~~~~~~~~~~ [怎样的人,他才敢如此指责自己的错误呢?]
  04、I will no longer, as has ever been my habit, continue to ruminate on every petty vexation which fortune may dispense; I will enjoy the present, and the past shall be for me the past.
  ~~~~~~~~~~ [我绝不会再像以前一样,把命运加给我们的一点儿不幸拿来反复咀嚼(念念不忘);我要享受现时,过去的事就让它过去吧.]
  05、there would be far less suffering amongst mankind, if men -- and God knows why they are so fashioned -- did not employ their imaginations so assiduously in recalling the memory of past sorrow, instead of bearing their present lot with equanimity.
  ~~~~~~~~~~ [人要是不那么固执、不那么执著地去追忆往昔的不幸——上帝知道人为什么这样!——,而是更多地考虑如何对现时处境泰然处之,那么人的苦楚就会小得多.]
  06、I shall attend to her business to the best of my ability.
  ~~~~~~~~~~ [我会把他交与我的事情进我最大的努力办好.]
  07、she is very far from being the disagreeable person our friends allege her to be.
  ~~~~~~~~~~ [她远非是我们在家里所描画的那种恶女人.]
  08、in this trifling affair, that misunderstandings and neglect occasion more mischief in the world than even malice and wickedness. At all events, the two latter are of less frequent occurrence.
  ~~~~~~~~~~ [在这件小事情上我发现,世界上误解和懈怠也许比奸诈和恶意还要误事.至少奸诈和恶意肯定并不多见.]
  09、I am very well off here. Solitude in this terrestrial paradise is a genial balm to my mind, and the young spring cheers with its bounteous promises my oftentimes misgiving heart.
  Every tree,every bush, is full of flowers; and one might wish himself transformed into a butterfly, to float about in this ocean of perfume, and find his whole existence in it.
  ~~~~~~~~~~ [我在这里感到很惬意.在这天堂般的地方,寂寞是一剂治我心灵的良药,而这韶华时节正以它明媚的春光温暖着我常常寒颤的心.林木和树篱鲜花盛开,我真想变作金甲虫,遨游于芬芳馥郁的海洋中,尽情摄取种种养分.]
  10、a man who wished to give himself up here to the enjoyment of his own sensitive heart
  ~~~~~~~~~~ [他欲在此排遣自己的情思和寂寞]
  11、Many a tear have I already shed to the memory of its departed master.
  ~~~~~~~~~~ [我为那位业已作古的园主人洒了不少眼泪.]