
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 13:26:10


well,as far as i'm concerned ,summer is my favorite season.and I have several reasons for that.
Fisrt,I could go swimming in summer.It really makes me feel sooth and relax.Simultaneously,it enhance my body and make me more energetic.
Second,it's a splendid season of making friends.I always sweat with people of the same fancy at summer.
Third,I could enjoy my mum's homemade icecream in this particular season.There's nothing more delicous to this cool desert in such climate.

Feeling the Summer
When August is drenched in sunshine and I’m sitting outside sipping a cold glass of wine I can forget that autumn is fast approaching - not this year. The cool wet weather has p...


Feeling the Summer
When August is drenched in sunshine and I’m sitting outside sipping a cold glass of wine I can forget that autumn is fast approaching - not this year. The cool wet weather has put paid to that. Now I have to sip my wine indoors otherwise I’d be colder than the wine, and soaking wet. Damn.
I’m sure it’s this rotten weather that’s made me less energetic in the garden and allotment. I don’t mind looking but I have to force myself to do anything. Mindful of this slothfulness I made some attempt to do some allotment jobs yesterday. First I eased myself in gently by shelling the dried ‘Martock’ Broad beans so that I could save some seed. They gave a surprisingly good crop for a variety with small pods (5 seeds each).
Saved seed of Broad beans 'Martock'
The Digger and I then went down to the big allotment to dig up the onions. Our garlic was decimated by white onion rot but the onions fared better. I would say that about a tenth of the crop was affected but some appear only slightly damaged so we must use them up quickly. The good ones have been laid out to dry off in the garage. The early Japanese onions we planted last October were lifted in late July and have already been used.
Onions 'Hercules' and 'Red Baron'
The winter squash and pumpkins have grown well amongst the sweetcorn. Thank heavens we are only getting 1-2 fruit per plant because they are rather larger than I was expecting - and still growing. They have been lifted up and rested on flat stones or tiles to keep them from getting damaged. Pumpkin ‘Rouge Vif D’Etampes’ should turn from yellow to reddish orange eventually. ‘Marina Di Chioggia’ is supposed to turn a bluey green and have a bumpy skin. Both of them look like ringers at the moment so we will see if they do a super hero transformation later on!


Summer people love company, but only the company of other summer people. One of their warrens in Westhampton alone accommodates 62 people. When they sink semipermanent roots, and build ...


Summer people love company, but only the company of other summer people. One of their warrens in Westhampton alone accommodates 62 people. When they sink semipermanent roots, and build a home of their own, guests are brought in from their western ranges to fill the house on a regular, rotating basis.

Summer people love driving fast. There are, evidently, no open country lanes in the west where a car can be tested as to maximum speed and endurance. Summer people also love the sound of the automobile horn and are quite skilled at its use.
Summer people love the beach. Winter people do not use the beaches during the summer unless it rains. Summer people go to the movies when it rains. Winter people only go to the movies to escape the summer sun. It would seem that both species have adapted to their environment quite well.
Summer people hate children, or at very least winter children. Summer children are tolerated and sent to play in a winter person's yard. Should a winter child wander into a summer person's yard, it is a transgression not easily overlooked. Often an incident occurs, and harsh words are exchanged.
Summer people love bicycles. As with jogging, they use their bicycles in the same lanes as their automobiles. Three abreast. They do not seem to recognize the sound of a winter person's horn.
Summer people claim to love shopping, but their true preference seems to be browsing. They fill the parking lots and shops of East End towns on any given day. They purchase cookies, ice-cream cones and suntan oil. On Sunday morning they purchase every extant copy of The New York Times east of Eastport before dawn. Interestingly enough, no summer person has ever been caught in the act of reading.
