
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 09:42:13


June first was China Children's day.I was in home reading articles about how the chinese children celebrates it.I'm not a child anymore and that made me felt sad when i was reading the articles.
Later on at that day,i went to McDonald to celebrate children's day with my friends.It was fun,it reminded me of my childhood.As time passes on that day,i felt that children's day is a very important day for adults or teenagers to remember their childhoods.

June first was China Children's day. I was in home reading articles about how the chinese children celebrates it. I'm not a child anymore and that made me felt sad when i was reading the articles.


June first was China Children's day. I was in home reading articles about how the chinese children celebrates it. I'm not a child anymore and that made me felt sad when i was reading the articles.
Later on at that day, i went to McDonald to celebrate children's day with my friends. It was fun, it reminded me of my childhood. As time passes on that day, i felt that children's day is a very important day for adults or teenagers to remember their childhoods.


英语作文.六一刚刚过去,你在六一节做了什么,请用5--8句话写出来.kuai 英语作文.六一刚刚过去,你在六一节做了什么,请用5--8句话写出来.英语作文.六kuai 英语翻译 不要有语法错误!不要百度翻译的!那个语法错误超多 大家帮帮忙 快到六一了“虽然不知道说什么,但希望你喜欢.哪怕你更讨厌我了,六一节快乐!”用英语怎么说. 快乐的六一节作文,急,讲自己怎样过六一的 英语作文过六一的 要过去时代 六一节的发言稿六一联欢会上,要我代表全班同学做个简短的发言.写一篇发言稿. 英语作文:暑假快到了,在过去的一学期中,你有什么收获,做了什么有意义的事情,新学年里有什么打算? 英语命题作文昨晚九点,你和你的家人在做什么.(全部是过去时) 你做了什么在寒假 50字英语作文 六一节怎么过 作文 快乐的六一节作文 作文快乐的六一节 快乐的六一节作文 开心的六一节作文, 形容六一过的高兴的成语六一节那天,你的心情如何?请用二个成语形容别打错别字 用将来时或过去时写一篇你在寒假将干什么或干了什么的英语作文, 你的六一是怎么过的作文200字今天,老师在课上问我们,六·一儿童节快到了,你最想和谁一起过?准备怎么过?我梦想自己能过一个我想要过的“六一”。真希望 “六一”儿童节能早点到来 六一节那天你和妹妹玩得很开心,你告诉同学用英语怎么说