谁有超人特工队的英文介绍和主人公英文介绍thank you英语

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 07:29:16
谁有超人特工队的英文介绍和主人公英文介绍thank you英语

谁有超人特工队的英文介绍和主人公英文介绍thank you英语
thank you

谁有超人特工队的英文介绍和主人公英文介绍thank you英语
It's a real shame that most people probably don't know Brad Bird.If they did,they would know about the "Iron Giant," a completely ignored animated movie from 1999 that never got the credit it deserved.Now he's all over the place for "The Incredibles," another ride into the Pixar way of filmmaking.
Mr.Incredible (Craig T.Nelson) was in his prime,saving people from certain doom...until the lawsuits hit.One by one,people began suing superheroes for a variety of reasons and the government stepped in to relocate them all,including his family.Now known as Bob Parr and given a day job at an insurance company,his life is miserable,until he receives a secret message that can get him back to his real job.What he discovers is a world take over plot,and he needs his entire family to pull him out.
The first half hour or so of "The Incredibles" is nothing short of brilliant.It maintains that charm,all-ages humor,and rapid fire pacing audiences have come to expect from this animation studio.The simple idea of a super hero being taken out of his or her element is genius and it's a wonder why no one thought of that before.
Then it nosedives.Quickly.The comedy is gone and all we're left with a simple action movie with a few nice homage's to some classic films.It's very generic,simple,and flat out uninteresting.Oh sure,for a kid,this is probably a great movie along with plenty of merchandising opportunity.It completely loses that adult audience that was so fixated on the magic of something like "Toy Story" or "A Bugs Life."
All it really becomes is a generic parody of comic book and movie super heroes.They even touch on another way to handle this one,the husbands sneaking out late at night to perform heroic deeds,only to come home and be yelled at by their wives.That's funny,not to mention hugely entertaining.Where is there need to become some all out action epic?That's really not what was advertised and it puts people into the wrong mindset going in.
Then you have a decent set of characters,including some that are entirely wasted.Frozone is voiced by Samuel L.Jackson and gets plenty of screen time in the early going (a great "Die Hard 3" parody included).Where is he for the rest of the movie?Oh,quietly sitting on the sidelines until the final battle so parents are forced to run out and buy more merchandise since he'll be fresh on kid's minds.
For Brad Bird fans,things here are going to seem awfully familiar.The final segment is another robot-on-the-loose tip-of-the-hat to 1950s sci-fi,just like "The Iron Giant." However,none of the magic that was contained in that film is retained here.Everything thrown on screen is there to look good and impress fans of this style.
Then again,the only thing saving this film from a complete pitfall is the animation.So much has been done and there's so much more power available,that something you wouldn't even think was important (like hair),is just stunning here.The water effects are some of the best you'll ever see come out of computer.However,all of the computing power in the world doesn't make a great movie and that little dash of originality in the opening is nowhere near enough to make up for the rest of it.(** out of )
Coming in just under two hours,this is the not just the longest Pixar film ever made,it's the longest CG animated movie.It feels like it.Oh,and to all those reviewers out there who thought it was funny to call "The Incredibles" incredible,please stop.That's not a funny play on words; it's stupid.Thank you for your consideration.

The Incredibles
The Incredibles
Image:Incredibles verdvd.jpg
Directed by Brad Bird
Produced by John Walker
Written by Brad Bird


The Incredibles
The Incredibles
Image:Incredibles verdvd.jpg
Directed by Brad Bird
Produced by John Walker
Written by Brad Bird
Starring Craig T. Nelson
Holly Hunter
Samuel L. Jackson
Jason Lee
Eli Fucile
Brad Bird
Spencer Fox
Wallace Shawn
Jean Sincere
Sarah Vowell
Bud Luckey
Music by Michael Giacchino
Cinematography Andrew Jimenez
Patrick Lin
Janet Lucroy
Editing by Stephen Schaffer
Distributed by Walt Disney Pictures
Release date(s) November 5, 2004
Running time 115 minutes
Language English (original)
Budget $92 million USD
Gross Domestic: $261,441,092
Worldwide: $631,436,092
Preceded by Finding Nemo (2003)
Followed by Cars (2006)
All Movie Guide profile
IMDb profile
The Incredibles is an Academy Award-winning Pixar Animation Studios animated feature film. It was written and developed by Brad Bird, former director of The Simpsons and previously best known for directing the animated movie The Iron Giant. The Incredibles was originally developed as a traditionally-animated movie, but after Warner Bros. shut down its animation division, Brad Bird moved to Pixar and took the story with him.
The Incredibles is Pixar's sixth feature film. It was presented by Walt Disney Pictures and released by Buena Vista Distribution in North America on November 5, 2004, and in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland on November 26 of the same year. It is the first Pixar movie to be rated PG by the MPAA. It was released in a two-disc DVD (in both widescreen and full frame versions) in the U.S. on March 15, 2005. According to the Internet Movie Database, it was the highest-selling DVD of 2005 with 17.38 million copies sold.
MSN Movies ranks The Incredibles as the fourth best superhero movie to date, behind X-Men, Batman Returns, and Spider-Man.[1]
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
The film opens with three superheroes, Mr. Incredible (Nelson), Elastigirl (Hunter), and Frozone (Jackson), giving a television interview about the trials and tribulations of the superhero life. Says Mr. Incredible, "No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I feel like the maid - 'Hey, I just cleaned this mess up! Can we please keep it clean for - for ten minutes?'" As if to prove his own point, he is later interrupted on the way to his own wedding by, variously, a high-speed police chase, a petty thief, the recurring villain Bomb Voyage, a suicidal building jumper, an elevated train en route to a gap in the tracks, a cat stuck in a tree, and, perhaps most aggravatingly, an overeager young fan named Buddy Pine who envisions himself as Mr. Incredible's new sidekick, Incrediboy, and insists on following Mr. Incredible to the site of several disasters, where he continually gets in the way. After angrily sending Buddy packing, Mr. Incredible races to the church, where he is chastised for his tardiness by his new bride, Elastigirl. He assures her that everything ahead will be fine: "We're superheroes. What could possibly happen?" Only days afterward, Mr. Incredible is sued for damages by the man whom he prevented that evening from committing suicide, sparking a chain of costly lawsuits against other prominent superheroes and ultimately resulting in all supers being forcibly decommissioned and relocated, doomed to live out their days undercover under assumed identities.
Fifteen years later, Mr. Incredible, leading a new life as Robert Parr, works for a corrupt cubicle farm insurance company, Insuricare. Against the wishes of his boss/employer, Gilbert Huph, he helps clients by telling them how to get around Insuricare's bureaucracy. Bob's son, Dash (with superspeed) is sent to Principal Walker's office for placing a thumbtack on the chair of his least favorite teacher, Mr. Bernie Kropp. Dash's mother Helen hopes he'll act "normal" and try to fit in, but this seems impossible as they had to relocate multiple times already because of Bob's inability to let go of the past and had just finished three years of packing and unpacking in order to be officially moved in. Her daughter Violet (who can turn invisible and generate force fields, very similar to Invisible Woman) waits outside of the school for an attractive redhead, Tony Rydinger, but is too shy to approach him. At the house over dinner, Dash teases Violet over Violet's crush on Tony (Jack-Jack, still a baby who apparently does not have any powers and can just barely talk, watches in enjoyment) and Bob notices that superhero rights advocate Simon J. Paladino (Gazerbeam), another former superhero, has gone missing. Lucius Best (Frozone) comes over (breaking up the kid's fight by ringing the doorbell) and he and Bob apparently go bowling but secretly perform heroic deeds (and nearly getting caught by the police), not noticing that they are being followed by a mysterious woman. Bob returns home and fights with Helen, who learns what he was doing.
The next dismal morning, Bob is barely attentive to his work and Mr. Huph notices this. Outside, Bob notices a man getting mugged, but Huph threatens to terminate Bob's employment if he leaves. Losing his temper, Bob throws Huph, who flies through several walls, effectively landing in the hospital. Bob loses his job but does not want to relocate again. At home, Bob notices a package in his briefcase. It is a message for him from Mirage, the same woman who followed him and Lucius the night before. She tells him to come to the Island of Nomanisan to stop a renegade, on-the-loose battle robot, the Omnidroid 9000, a job that only Mr. Incredible can do. Remembering his glory days, he accepts and cheats his way out of the house by telling Helen that he is going on a business trip.
On the plane, Mirage tells him that the robot's artificial intelligence enabled it to become sentient and escape on its own. Bob lands on the island (while boarding the pod, Bob's obesity became a problem and it presented itself again after he landed, forcing him to rip the pod open) and eventually finds the robot. The battle that ensues eventually finds its way into a volcano and Bob attempts to destroy it by throwing it into magma in order to avoid being crushed by one of its massive claws, but he strains his back while celebrating. However, the robot comes back out of the lava and tries to tear Bob apart, but instead Bob accidentally gets a chiropractic assist from the assault and his back is straightened out. He goes right into the robot and has it rip out its own reactor, defeating it. Mirage invites Mr. Incredible to dinner after a mysterious voice tells her to, though her employer (the mysterious man) still wishes to remain anonymous.
After he returns home, Bob is a new man, liking his civilian identity and spending more quality time with his wife and kids, getting into shape (by lifting railroad cars for exercise) and buys two new cars—one for himself and one for Helen. Two months later, Bob notices that his super suit had been torn by the Omnidroid during the battle (Bob even got a cut on his arm and bled just a bit) and goes to Edna Mode (also known as E), for a quick patching job. Edna was a superhero fashion designer who wants to make him a brand new suit, without a cape as several caped superheroes either died or disappeared when their capes became snagged on various objects. For example, Thunderhead had just jarred a missile out of place to prevent it from hitting its target, but his cape landed on a stabilizer fin of the missile, which launched and carried him with it. Edna also patches the old "hobo suit" (albeit reluctantly). Mirage calls Bob with a new assignment and he lands on the island again (before he left, Helen overheard the ending of the conversation. She assumed Bob was cheating on her but does not tell him that). To his surprise, Mr. Incredible finds another battle robot and his employer, Syndrome. Originally Buddy/Incredi-Boy, his dream was crushed when he could not become a superhero (also because of his lack of superpowers) or help Mr. Incredible. His genius allowed him to create new weapons making him a "super" in his own right. Helen catches on and gives Edna a phone call. She states that she conveniently designed costumes for the whole family.
Mr. Incredible, who managed to hide when Syndrome thought he was dead, finds the word Kronos scrawled on a cave wall after coming across Gazerbeam's deteriorated skeleton, which he identifies by the helmet still on its skull that has Gazerbeam's signature "GB" logo. He manages to infiltrate the island fortress and ends up in a huge Cerebro-like computer room, typing in Kronos as the password. To his horror, he finds a huge list of superheroes (including Gazerbeam, who gets a close camera zoom on his face, where his "GB" logo can be seen on his helmet), all killed by the battle robots, and a plot called "Operation Kronos", which would have a tenth Omnidroid fly into Metroville and cause damage, having Syndrome soon stop it by secretly controlling it while he looks like to the public like he is using his own "powers". Helen activates a homing beacon to find Bob (a feature that Edna added into the new costumes), which triggers the alarm that has Mr. Incredible caught by one of Syndrome's tricks. Helen prepares a plane to go to the island and find Bob, leaving instructions to the kids to stay put.
Syndrome grills and "electro-tortures" Bob, who did not know about the homing device or that Helen is coming (with the kids who stowed aboard), but yet, Syndrome does not believe Incredible and keeps on torturing him. The villain launches anti-aircraft missiles at the plane. Violet fails to stop the missiles with her forcefield, but the three survive the plane's destruction thanks to Edna's new suit fabric which is indestructible. Bob, thinking his family is dead, attempts to grab Syndrome, but Mirage pushes him out of the way and gets grabbed instead. Bob threatens to kill her if he is not released, but Syndrome calls his bluff knowing he couldn't (many superheroes do not kill when they can't find it in them, and some do not kill at all because they know in the future, they will become as low as their evil enemies) and he lets her go. Syndrome and Mirage leave, but Mirage begins to realize who the people in the plane were when she hears Bob begin to cry and she begins to pity him.
Helen and the kids make it to the island and prepares to leave them in a cave safely while she looks for Bob. Mirage is displeased with what happened and warns Syndrome that valuing life is not a weakness, disregarding it is not strength and that he should bet his own life next time.
Dash rebels and looks around, going deeper into the cave and discovering that it connects to the rocket launchpad. The rocket launches, but Dash saves himself and Violet by outrunning the booster ignition. Helen infiltrates the base while the kids fight Syndrome's security guards in the jungle. Mirage turns on her boss and lets Mr. Incredible out (Elastigirl arrives and assumes again that Mr. Incredible is indeed cheating on her but still agrees to stick with him). The family regroups and fights Syndrome's security forces, but eventually Syndrome shows up and stops them, taking them all captive.
On Syndrome's plasma television monitor, the Omnidroid causes chaos on the city while Syndrome himself looks on, proudly comparing it to the movies. He reveals the nature of Operation Kronos, saying that he'll allow the robot to cause chaos until he shows up and stops it by remote-controlling it while he fakes doing battle with it, allowing himself to finally become a superhero. He also says when he is old and he's had his fun (when he's retired), he'll mass-market his technology allowing everyone to become super, so that no one will have more super-powers than anyone else. After he leaves, Mr. Incredible believes that all is lost, but Violet breaks the energy streams on her bonds with her force field, and frees the rest of the family. With help from Mirage, they reach the robot's location.
The robot "learns" that Syndrome uses a remote to control and dismantle it. It blasts the remote off his wrist, and damages one of his aero-boots, sending him slamming into a high-rise building, which knocks him unconscious. The family is unable to destroy the robot until Mr. Incredible realizes that the robot's weapons can penetrate its armor, after having a flashback to when he destroyed the previous Omnidroid 08 by hiding inside its frame and letting it stab itself in order to attempt to locate him. The Incredibles sever one of the robot's feet, use the remote control to activate the drill bit, and Mr. Incredible throws it at the robot, destroying it.
People all over thank the Incredibles and Frozone, and the authorities freeze all of Syndrome's assets. When they reach home, however, Syndrome ambushes and immobilizes them, then announces his plan to kidnap Jack-Jack and raise him as a sidekick. He floats up to his escape jet, the family seemingly powerless to stop him. However, Jack-Jack reveals several superpowers to Syndrome, primarily based around shapeshifting, using them to attack him viciously. Syndrome is apparently killed when Mr. Incredible throws a car at the plane and Syndrome's cape gets caught in the engine's intake. Violet saves the family from being crushed by burning plane wreckage by shielding them, much to the amazement of one of their neighbors, a tricycle-riding boy.
Three months later, Violet is brave enough to speak to Tony (although it was Tony who came to her) and they plan on going to the movies on Friday (Violet offers to purchase the popcorn). Dash is finally allowed to compete in spectator sports, as long as he keeps to finishing in second place. As the family begins to walk to their van from one such sporting event, a new supervillain, The Underminer, threatens the world for the first time. The Parrs put on their masks and are already wearing their uniforms underneath their civilian outfits, as Mr. Incredible reveals in Superman-like style, ready to save the day once again, which sets The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer, the video game sequel to the movie, on a perfect start.




