spend cost afford pay take和road street avenue highway的区别和用法

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spend cost afford pay take和road street avenue highway的区别和用法

spend cost afford pay take和road street avenue highway的区别和用法
spend cost afford pay take和road street avenue highway的区别和用法

spend cost afford pay take和road street avenue highway的区别和用法
1.spend 的主语只能是人,不能使物.
句子结构是:人+ spend + 钱/ 时间 + on + 物.
He spent $ 300 on this bike.
He spent 3 hours on his homework.
或者,人+ spend + 钱/ 时间 + in + doing + 物.
He spent $ 300 in buying the bike.
He spent 3 hours in doing his homework.
2.costde 主语只能是物,不能使人.意思是消费钱财.
The bike cost him $300.
I can't afford the bike.
I can't afford to buy a bike.
4.pay 支付的意思.(自己分析下面句子的用法区别)
He paid $ 300.
He paid $ 300 for the bike.
He paid $300 to the seller for the bike.
5.take 的主语只能事物,不能使人.通常用it作主语.
It will take me 3 hours to do my homework.
It took me 30 minutes to walk from here to my school.

1.spend可用的范围广 spend的主语必须是人
用(钱), 花费
消耗, 用尽, 浪费
消磨(时光), 度过
sb. spend + time或money + on sth(n.名词). (某人花费……多少钱/多少时间……在某物上)
sb. spend + time/money + in(可有可无)+ doing(v.动词) sth. (某人花...


1.spend可用的范围广 spend的主语必须是人
用(钱), 花费
消耗, 用尽, 浪费
消磨(时光), 度过
sb. spend + time或money + on sth(n.名词). (某人花费……多少钱/多少时间……在某物上)
sb. spend + time/money + in(可有可无)+ doing(v.动词) sth. (某人花费……多少时间来做某事)
I spent tow hours (in) doing my homework
2.cost是花费 cost主要指花钱 cost的主语是物或某种活动
Sth. cost sb. + money. (某物花费某人……多少钱)
Sth. cost + money. (某物价值……多少钱)
It cost me 10$
3.afford是提供,给予 afford主要指付得起、支付得起 I can afford it
sb. pay for sth. (某人为某物付款)
sb. pay + money + for sth. (某人为某物付……多少钱)
He paid £5 for the book
5.take 后面常跟双宾语固定句式
It takes sb. + time + to do sth. (做某事花费某人……多少时间)
road指乡村道路或城市道路 在城市里一般指南北方向的道路
street城市道路(两旁有建筑物的道路) 在城市里一般指东西方向的道路
avenue 指XX大道


spend花费 i spend *
cost 用了我多少钱 it cost me*
afford 负担得起 i can afford *
pay 付账 i pay sb money
take 花费我多少钱,多少时间 it take me *
road 乡间小路
street 街道
avenue **大道
highway 公路