请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下英文小短文.Nowadays,with rapid urbanization,expertspredict that 50% of people live in cities.It is predicted that the statisticwill increase to 70% by 2050.Although there are many slum areas whichcan't even

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 13:36:12
请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下英文小短文.Nowadays,with rapid urbanization,expertspredict that 50% of people live in cities.It is predicted that the statisticwill increase to 70% by 2050.Although there are many slum areas whichcan't even

请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下英文小短文.Nowadays,with rapid urbanization,expertspredict that 50% of people live in cities.It is predicted that the statisticwill increase to 70% by 2050.Although there are many slum areas whichcan't even
Nowadays,with rapid urbanization,expertspredict that 50% of people live in cities.It is predicted that the statisticwill increase to 70% by 2050.
Although there are many slum areas whichcan't even provide a healthy environment with facilities like drinking waterand sanitation,the size of urbanisation in developing countries areunprecedented.
Compared to rural areas,the infrastructureand services are quite good in urban areas,which has caused a significantpercentage of the population migrated from rural areas to urban areas to seekbetter job opportunity and living standards.A lot of cities have becomemegacities with the proportion of more than 10 million.The most significantpopulation soars are London,Shanghai,Tokyo and such.
According to statistics,10% of world’spopulation live in megacities.This has caused serious issues such as trafficjam and environmental pollution.
In conclusion,megacities are one of themajor issues of the 21st century.

请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下英文小短文.Nowadays,with rapid urbanization,expertspredict that 50% of people live in cities.It is predicted that the statisticwill increase to 70% by 2050.Although there are many slum areas whichcan't even
Nowadays, with rapid urbanization, (是已知不用推测experts predict that 应改为according to the experts, now there are) 50% of people live(要用living) in cities. It is predicted that the statistic will increase to 70% by 2050.

Although there are many slum areas which can't even provide a healthy environment with facilities like drinking water and sanitation, the size of urbanisation in developing countries are unprecedented.

Compared to rural areas, the infrastructure and services are (quite good 应改为far better或much better) in urban areas, which has caused a significant percentage of the population migrated from rural areas to urban areas to seek better job opportunity(要用复数opportunities) and living standards. A lot of cities have become mega cities with the proportion(应该是population) of more than 10 million. The most significant population soars are London, Shanghai, Tokyo and (such应改为 many other similiar size cities).

According to statistics, 10% of world’s population (live应改为are now living) in mega cities. This has caused serious issues such as traffic jam and environmental pollution.

In conclusion, mega cities are one of the major issues of the 21st century.


请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下英文小短文.Nowadays,with rapid urbanization,expertspredict that 50% of people live in cities.It is predicted that the statisticwill increase to 70% by 2050.Although there are many slum areas whichcan't even 请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下小短文,中文只是参考,不必完全一样.同时我还认为,作为凡人,如果知道自己的死期和死亡的方式,愤怒,失望,恐惧,不甘心,伤感总是最开始做自然的感受.至于之后 请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下小作文,关于UrbanisationUrbanisation negatively affects the land use.Urbanisation causes rapid expansion of urban area,and this could accelerated decrease wild animals habitats and biodiversity and agricultu 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:详细的表达了个人观点 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:立法者也开始盯上谷歌眼镜. 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:而这些可以从数据库中反应出来. 请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下以下英文短文中的错误Singapore is viewed as a typical successful case about their urban transport planning,the local government successfully takes intensive program of new metro and a high vehicle tax s 请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下英语短文,中文只是参考,不必完全一样.在圣经学习班上,我还被问道一个问题:“如果天使降临,能告诉你一个预言,你会选择知道什么.”我会想要知道除我父母与 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:对于类似于“日历”,“电子邮件”等应用程序.请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:对于类似于“日历”,“电子邮件”等应用程序,佩戴者总是要求这些程序所提供 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下:电力问题也许是在移动技术领域最重要的限制因素. 请英文好的朋友帮助翻译一下“某某打算与团购公司合作大力推广优惠券” 请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下口语考试材料,除了修改语法错误外,还希望能够将语句修改的更“口语”一些.In Shanghai buses are being replaced by an extensive underground rail network. Last week, the shanghai govern 请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下case study的写作.把明显的错误修改一下.Lask states that as part of a broad promotional mix,price occupies a big part in drive sales,while he concedes that Flanagan as service companies should put the 请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下case study的写作.把明显的文法错误修改一下.Do social Deal Sites Really Work?' concerns a marketing capabilities in Flanagan which is a famous theme parks.Currently,there have a dispute happen in th 英文好的朋友请帮助我,别用什么翻译器糊弄我,谢谢 请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下英文写作的错误,关于IT外包的安全性问题中文仅供参考,不需要完全一样.在安全性方面,公司应该慎重的对待数据的安全性.如果公司的商业秘密被泄露出去,或用 请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下英文作文,中文只是参考,不必完全更具中文翻译.这个星期是新学期的第一周.发书的时候,我们班的一个同学一拿到书就激动的说这将是他在语言学校学的最后一 请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下英文作文,中文仅仅是参考,不必完全一样关于耶稣知道自己的死期和死亡的方式,别人认为他有能力改变自己的命运,耶稣却坦然接受,为什么?我认为,人们总是认为