英语翻译A quadrilateral that can be inscribed in a circle is also called a cyclic quadrilateral.Which of these quadrilaterals are always cyclic:parallelograms kites,isosceles trapezoids,rhombuses,rectangles,or squares?Which ones are never cyclic?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 23:34:03
英语翻译A quadrilateral that can be inscribed in a circle is also called a cyclic quadrilateral.Which of these quadrilaterals are always cyclic:parallelograms kites,isosceles trapezoids,rhombuses,rectangles,or squares?Which ones are never cyclic?

英语翻译A quadrilateral that can be inscribed in a circle is also called a cyclic quadrilateral.Which of these quadrilaterals are always cyclic:parallelograms kites,isosceles trapezoids,rhombuses,rectangles,or squares?Which ones are never cyclic?
A quadrilateral that can be inscribed in a circle is also called a cyclic quadrilateral.Which of these quadrilaterals are always cyclic:parallelograms kites,isosceles trapezoids,rhombuses,rectangles,or squares?Which ones are never cyclic?Explain why each is or is not always cyclic.

英语翻译A quadrilateral that can be inscribed in a circle is also called a cyclic quadrilateral.Which of these quadrilaterals are always cyclic:parallelograms kites,isosceles trapezoids,rhombuses,rectangles,or squares?Which ones are never cyclic?
一个四边形能够被一个圆所包围叫做循环四边形 (意思就是四边形的四个点都在一个圆上) 以下哪个一定是循环四边形:parallelograms kites(本人能力有限 这个解释不好 暂时为 平行四边形) 等腰梯形 菱形 长方形 或者 正方形 ? 哪个一定不循环 ?并解释原因
只要四边形对角相加等于180度就一定在一个圆上 所以 等腰梯形 长方形 正方形 一定在一个圆上
而 菱形 对角相加不相等180度(等于180度的话就是正方形了) 所以不在圆上
平行四边形包括矩形 正方形 因此这个无法判定的
答案仅供参考 因为是我自己翻译自己做的 不是很肯定

可以与圆形内切的四边形也叫旋转四边形. 下列哪一种四边形在任何情况下总是可以与圆内切,而哪一种不能,并解释原因:平行四边行,等腰梯形,菱形,矩行,和正方形。


英语翻译A quadrilateral that can be inscribed in a circle is also called a cyclic quadrilateral.Which of these quadrilaterals are always cyclic:parallelograms kites,isosceles trapezoids,rhombuses,rectangles,or squares?Which ones are never cyclic? 英语翻译For 4 CO-planar contacts,Nguyen 171 gave a geometrictest for form-closure’ and showed how to check form closureby drawing a quadrilateral covering the overlapping conesformed by pairs of force vectors.This is equivalent to thecondition ansys中出现“Quadrilateral SHELL63 element 1224 has a warping factor of 1.24E-03,which exceeds the large deflection warning limit of 1.E-05.”怎么解决? As shown in figure 1,point C is on the segment BG and quadrilateral ABCD is a square.As shown in figure 1,point C is on the segment BG and quadrilateral ABCD is a square.AG intersects BD and CD at points E and F,respectively.If AE=5 and EF=3,then FG= 是希望杯的23.As in right figure,in a quadrilateral ABCD,we have its diagonal AC bisects DAB,and AB=21,AD=9,BC=DC=10,then the distancefrom point C to line AB is ,and the length of AC is .(英汉词典:quadrilateral 四边形;bisect As shown in figure 1,point C is on the segment BG and quadrilateral ABCD is a square.AG intersects BD and CD at points E and F,respectively.If AE=5 and EF=3,then FG=( ) What is the area of the largest possible quadrilateral with a perimeter of 24 cm?如果一个四边形的周长是24厘米,那么它的最大面积是什么? When is a rhombus a square?什么意思还有几个: 1.When is a parallelogram a rectangle? 2.When is a parallelogram a square? 3.When are the properties of a rhombus? 4.How do you find the area of a quadrilateral? 知道的来,不知道就别乱 As shown in figure 1,point C is on the segment BG and quadrilateral ABCD is 英语翻译A 英语翻译a 英语翻译A 英语翻译A 英语翻译A A A As is shown in picture AB⊥CD、AB=12cm,CD=7cm.What is the area of quadrilateral ABCD?翻译, 英语翻译a a a xxxxxxxxxxx 英语翻译3a 英语翻译是 ----------------a teacher----------