elin linto 的 as long as i can dream要歌词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 21:29:36
elin linto 的 as long as i can dream要歌词

elin linto 的 as long as i can dream要歌词
elin linto 的 as long as i can dream

elin linto 的 as long as i can dream要歌词
As long as i can dream只要我还有梦想
I Watch The Leaves Fall To The Ground 一瞬间我看到树叶纷纷下落
Suddently We Belled The Sun 当我们给太阳系上铜铃
I Carried(而不是Carry) On The Season Down 我熬过了整个季节
As Time's Surrendered(而不是Sarander) Then To Now当那时的美好时光已输给了现在
They Said Nothings Go Chemister他们没说别的 只是叫我快去看医生(说明大家认为我是个疯子)
But Hope Won't(而不是Will) Fade Away 但我的希望不会褪色
This Is Only That I Can Dream I Know 我知道这是我唯一的梦想
When Winter Went To Very Spring We Know 我们都知道冬天总会变成春天
And That's The Life Inside All Me 那是我生命的全部
As Long As (而不是This Is All That) I Can Dream 只要我还有梦想
The Sun Will Say I Am Moving Rise 太阳将会说我会马上升起(意味着梦想将会实现)
Now I'd(而不是 Did) Exported(而不是Expord) The Simple Lines 现在我已经起跑
The stars brights before my eyes 星星在我眼前闪烁
Never Mind It In My Life 我从未注意过它(意味着自己眼中只有远方的梦想 心无旁骛)
This Is Only That I Can Dream I Know 我知道这是我唯一的梦想
When Winter Went To Spring We Know 我们都知道春天总会变成冬天
And That's The Life Inside All Me 那是我生命的全部
As Long As (而不是This Is All That) I Can Dream 只要我还有梦想
I Close My Eyes Make A Wish 我闭上双眼许了一个愿
What The Way Go Heres From Theres 梦想着从路的这头走向那头
All I Need Is A Room And The Time My Through 我只需一个房间和一段时间
Like A Girl Always In The Green 像是一位在一片葱绿中起舞的少女
And This Is Only That I Can Dream I Know 我知道这就是我唯一的梦想
When Winter Went To Spring We Know 我们知道冬天总会变成春天
And That's The Life Inside All Me 那是我生命的全部
As Long As (而不是This Is All That) I Can Dream 只要我还有梦想
As Long As (而不是This Is Only That) I Can Dream I'll Show 只要我还有梦想 我会向世界证明
There Is Nowhere(而不是This Is No One) That This(而不是Its) Heart Can Go我的心已无处可去
Wherever(而不是We Ever) Faces Is There Hopely无论我们将去之处是否存在希望
As Long As (而不是This Is Only That) I Can Dream 只要我还有梦想