
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 15:25:24


阿凡达英文影评 “Avatar” and the Critics
“Avatar” and the Critics
James Cameron's “Avatar” is visually stunning and theologically provocative.(Or so I suggest in today's column.) It is not,however,a very good movie overall.But you wouldn't know that from reading most of the reviews:Cameron's blockbuster boasts an impressive 83 percent favorable rating from Metacritic,and a whopping 94 percent “fresh” rating from Rotten Tomatoes' roundup of top reviewers.
Browse through the online reaction from fanboys and film geeks,though,and you'll find that a modest (and appropriate) backlash has been building since last week.(I particularly liked this fan's hostile review,carried out via Instant Messenger after a screening.) The source of the backlash is unexpected,in a sense,since you'd think that a movie like “Avatar” — a science fiction epic with groundbreaking special effects and a weak script — would find its most intense apologists on action and sci-fi obsessed sites like Aintitcoolnews and CHUD.com,and its most dismissive critics in the more rarefied air of,say,The New Yorker.But the more highbrow critics have all seemingly decided to grade the movie on a spectacle-driven curve.(Thus David Denby:“The movie's story may be a little trite … but what a show Cameron puts on!”) So it's been left to the fanboys,the people who've watched “Aliens” 97 times and worship the ground James Cameron walks on,to insist that there's more to epic-making than spectacle and special effects.
And good for them for insisting.Sci-fi spectaculars deserve to be taken seriously,as pop art if not as high art,and not just patted on the head for putting on a good show.That doesn't require comparing a James Cameron film to,say,“The Rules of the Game” and finding Cameron wanting.But it means recognizing that there's a world of difference between a truly great special-effects driven fantasy — like “The Matrix” (the first one,not the sequels),or Peter Jackson's “Lord of the Rings,” or “The Empire Strikes Back” — and a gorgeous disappointment like “Avatar,” which succeeds at being eye-popping but doesn't succeed at very much else.