完形填空,每一题的答案在文章后面Do you have lots of friends What do you ___1___ friends and friendshipAre they very important for you Some of your friends may have different wiews andinterestsand some like doing the same ___2___ as you.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 22:43:39
完形填空,每一题的答案在文章后面Do you have lots of friends What do you ___1___ friends and friendshipAre they very important for you Some of your friends may have different wiews andinterestsand some like doing the same ___2___ as you.

完形填空,每一题的答案在文章后面Do you have lots of friends What do you ___1___ friends and friendshipAre they very important for you Some of your friends may have different wiews andinterestsand some like doing the same ___2___ as you.
Do you have lots of friends What do you ___1___ friends and friendshipAre they very important for you Some of your friends may have different wiews andinterestsand some like doing the same ___2___ as you.Do you like friendsdi fferent from ___3___ the same as you You may like the friends who ___4___the same interests as you.But I don’t really care.I have two good friends Peter and James.Peter is ___5___ me.I am a quietboy and Peter is also quiet.We ___6___ enjoy reading b ooks and surfing theInternet.On weedends we often go to the library or ___7___ on the computertogether.But James is very different from us.He likes playing ball games and he ismore athleertic than us.He is ___8___ more outgoing.He likes talking and oftenmakes ___9___ laugh.You see friends are not ___10___ to be the same.Do youagree with me 1.A.talk about B.think of C.thank for D.look at 2.A.interests B.views C.things D.habits 3.A.or B.and C.until D.but 4.A.are B.have C.show D.get 5.A.like B.as C.for D.with 6.A.all B.each C.both D.some 7.A.watch B.work C.read D.play 8.A.a few B.few C.a lot D.little 9.A.him B.her C.them D.us 10A.important B.necessary C.difficult D.different

完形填空,每一题的答案在文章后面Do you have lots of friends What do you ___1___ friends and friendshipAre they very important for you Some of your friends may have different wiews andinterestsand some like doing the same ___2___ as you.
1-5 BCABA 6-10 CBCDB

完形填空,每一题的答案在文章后面Do you have lots of friends What do you ___1___ friends and friendshipAre they very important for you Some of your friends may have different wiews andinterestsand some like doing the same ___2___ as you. 英语完形填空.后面5题要说出答案出处(即从文章何处得出这个答案).(两个图片是一起的)谢谢~ 海里的每一滴水都不是多余的文章答案 填空题的,后面没答案,哪个好人帮个忙? 英语完形填空题与阅读理解要文章与题,附答案,最多的加悬赏和最佳答案 求以Even after many years 开头的完形填空答案一篇回忆性文章 数学书上每一题的答案 出一些关于《童年》内容的填空题是每一章出两道题每一张都要有,而且一定要有答案 完形填空,后面还有几题, 小学数学填空每一题 关于四级的深度阅读的问题选词填空不说,就说那两篇阅读,一般每一题的答案提示是在每段的段首段尾吗?还是在中间?我是不是要特别注意段首段尾? 从阅读训练(六)开始,后面每一课的答案全都要 完形填空My parents passed away ten years ago and.the hopes and dreams I carried 答案速求答案这是一篇文章,有没有做过这篇文章的完型填空的文章的 ? 哪种英语阅读和完形填空的答案上有每篇文章的翻译(八年级)? 初二英语完形填空(文章在下面) 完形填空,在帮忙把文章大意说一下. Y 英语完型填空Afriendofminenameddaul短文的答案 《默读父亲》阅读题答案1.文章从------,------,------,几个方面写了父亲对“我”的关心,这告诉我们写作是每一题都要答