英语翻译2.传播知识.负作用:不良信息反而有了传播的渠道.4.娱乐功能.但是过多的娱乐活动是人们沉迷于三寸电视,减少 了户外活动,人们的交际能力极大的受到伤害.人们对于现实的关注也

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 16:16:23
英语翻译2.传播知识.负作用:不良信息反而有了传播的渠道.4.娱乐功能.但是过多的娱乐活动是人们沉迷于三寸电视,减少 了户外活动,人们的交际能力极大的受到伤害.人们对于现实的关注也

英语翻译2.传播知识.负作用:不良信息反而有了传播的渠道.4.娱乐功能.但是过多的娱乐活动是人们沉迷于三寸电视,减少 了户外活动,人们的交际能力极大的受到伤害.人们对于现实的关注也
4.娱乐功能.但是过多的娱乐活动是人们沉迷于三寸电视,减少 了户外活动,人们的交际能力极大的受到伤害.人们对于现实的关注也转化为虚幻的思维活动,人们被驯养的麻木、虚伪了.面对电视剧人们的目不转睛和眼泪汪汪,目睹不公的麻木,耳闻失学的孩子却习以为常就是一个人们人格分裂的表现.
1.地位赋予功能.今天电视上出现过的衣服款式,明天就会全社会流行.今天上过电视的政治人物,普通人,明天就会成为名人,并且社会地位显著提高,人们刮目现看.因此媒体一个非常明显的缺点是被人利用,成为毫无抵抗力的宣传工具.多少人由此发迹,又有很多人身败名裂.例如在选举过程中,一个人掌握了舆论导向,一个人就可以把自己涂抹干净,大获全胜.出现在央视的人就和出现地区级的 影响力不同.
媒体传播还可以渗透式的影响人 的世界观.通过长期的韩剧效应,人们逐渐在认可整容也没有什么的思想.另外,对于国外司法、行政的介绍,通过名人的对海外的介绍,我们逐渐认同了国外观念相对确实比较多元,性观念确乎比较不同,还可能比中国好的认识、通过电视剧收看,逐渐形成了犯罪手段真是千奇百怪,社会可能很不安全的认识.所以媒体可以被人加以利用,通过电视剧,新闻报道的形式灌输某种意识.

英语翻译2.传播知识.负作用:不良信息反而有了传播的渠道.4.娱乐功能.但是过多的娱乐活动是人们沉迷于三寸电视,减少 了户外活动,人们的交际能力极大的受到伤害.人们对于现实的关注也
2.Dissemination of knowledge.Negative effects:bad information but has spread channels.
4.Entertainment.But too many people indulge in recreational activities three-inch television,reducing outdoor activities,great communication skills of people hurt.It is also concerned about reality into the fantasy of thinking activity,they were domesticated numb,hypocritical.People's eyes off the face of drama and tears,witnessed the injustice of the numbness,but heard the children out of school is a people accustomed to the performance of split personality.
1.Position given function.Today,the clothes had seen on TV style,the whole society will be popular tomorrow.Today,politicians on television,ordinary people,tomorrow will be a celebrity,and significantly improved social status,people are looking Guamu.So the media is a very obvious drawback being used as a propaganda tool without any resistance.Thus many people become rich,there are a lot of people ruin.For example,in the electoral process,one who controls public opinion,a person can apply to their clean victory.People in the CCTV and the emergence of different regional influence.
Media can also affect the permeation of people of the world.Korean through long-term effects of plastic surgery that people have gradually accepted the idea no.In addition,for foreign judicial,executive presentation,through the introduction of celebrity overseas,we have come to identify with the concept of relative abroad is indeed odd indeed compare the sexual attitudes,but also a good understanding of China than by watching TV,and gradually formed a criminal means is really strange,society may very safety.So the media can be exploited by TV shows,news reports in the form of instilling a sense.
From the current perspective,TV entertainment within developed based on people's lifestyles,the impact of autistic tendencies management group; the media being used by more than a confusion notorious drawbacks.

2. the spread of knowledge. the negative effects not only has information : communication channels.
4. the entertainment features. but too many recreational activities is addicted to television, t...


2. the spread of knowledge. the negative effects not only has information : communication channels.
4. the entertainment features. but too many recreational activities is addicted to television, three inches less outdoor activity and communication skills great harm. the real concern is also transformed into false thinking, it was the domestication of ignorance, and hypocrisy. the tv series of the people and tearful eyes, saw the justice, unable to hear the child got a split personality of men.
1. a position to function. this television clothes, tomorrow will be the whole society. today's popular on the political, human and tomorrow will be famous and social position significantly improve, people now. therefore, the media 刮目 at a very significant drawback is being used as propaganda tools. the fragilityMany people from the ranks more, and there are many people were in the election process. for example, a person has their opinion, a person can put his attempt, swept clean. on cctv, and appeared de zone influence different.
Media communication can also influence seeping in the world. through long-term effects of the korean dramas, people came in by beautician no ideas.In addition, foreign judicial, administrative, through the overseas, we began with a foreign concept is really more than $, sexual attitudes 确乎 more than china, it may well know, through television viewing is the way, all sorts of crime and social security is not known. so the media can be used, through television, newspaper into a form of consciousness.
From the current, television and entertainment of the developed on the way of life and introversion, director of the media to ; being used more to confound right with wrong of condemned.


英语翻译2.传播知识.负作用:不良信息反而有了传播的渠道.4.娱乐功能.但是过多的娱乐活动是人们沉迷于三寸电视,减少 了户外活动,人们的交际能力极大的受到伤害.人们对于现实的关注也 国家依法严厉打击网络传播不良信息说明了什么 手机发什么样的短信就算传播黄色不良信息 近几年 利用网络传播不良信息近几年,利用网络传播不良信息已经成为影响群众生活的公害,为此信息产业部出台了《关于进一步加强移动通信网络不良信息传播治理的通知》.这主要体现了政 运用《文化知识》知识概括网络传播方式的特点及其在文化传播中的作用 运用《文化生活》知识,概括网络传播方式的特点及其在文化传播中的作用 运用《文化生活》知识,概括网络传播方式的特点及其在文化传播中的作用 英语翻译师资优势:独具风格教师队伍,将讲台变成你舞台,传播知识、传播文化、传播信念、传播快乐、传播友爱. 运用文化知识概括网络在文化传播中的作用是什么? 发电机反应不对称过负荷的反时限负序电流保护的作用是什么? 初中科学复习列举波的存在描述波的简单知识知道波在信息传播中的作用 用中国特色社会主义理论体系的有关知识,说明国家为什么高度重视网络和手机不良信息的治理.中考前请高人说明 英语翻译一 古代社会知识的传播.古代知识传播的状况:古代知识的传播可以用一个词来形容:缓慢,在过去一项科学知识的传播都要经历了数百乃至数千年.例如:印刷术早在公元200年就产生在中 反三角函数的作用 反问句的作用 反问句的作用 英语翻译1.有关这个疾病传播知识很少以至于人们担心正常的社会接触.2.我上汽车不久就注意到一个外貌很怪的男人.他穿着一件不合身的上衣,一动不动地坐在位子上. 请问“传播知识”用英语怎么说,