
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 22:24:20


The Scimitar Oryx,also called Scimitar-horned Oryx (Oryx dammah) of North Africa is now possibly extinct in the wild.However,there are unconfirmed reports of surviving populations in central Niger and Chad,and a population currently inhabiting a fenced nature reserve in Tunisia is being expanded for reintroduction to the wild in that country
When Gisela returned to her hometown,with her script in her bag,which was vital to her.If it was her bag that the thief had stolen,the end of this story wouldn't be so perfect.It was Ricardo who take excellent care of her bag,so she could get her precious script back to her own hands.In this way,Gisela begin to like Ricardo.At first,Gisela did not like Rikado at all,and even kind of hated him,for he always liked to disturb her.
Introduction:Gisela intend to return to his hometown to Rio,on the road,encountered the same is home to the Rio Ricardo.Gisela like reading,like dealing with people and quiet.Ricardo sound like noise.He likes Gisela.At the airport when they took the wrong travelling bags.Gisela in the bus fell asleep,the thieves stole her pack.She also met Ricardo,Ricardo him Gisela returned to the package,Gisela to understand that the thieves stole the package is Ricardo……

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