
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 07:24:10


Starting from the historical background, significance and mode of the integration of information technology and physics courses, then, taking the present teaching module of physics courses in advanced professional education as a studied subject,and through a series of practical teaching, this article analyzes the feasibility and necessity of the integration of information technology and physics courses from both the technical and theoretical perspectives. It also structures an exploring teaching module of the integration of IT and physics courses in advanced professional education, summarizes the effectiveness of the whole integration practice, and presents the prospects of future study of this subject as well.
This article analyzes the feasibility and necessity of the integration of information technology and physics courses from both the technical and theoretical perspectives by starting from the historical background, significance and mode of the integration of IT and physics courses, then, by taking the current teaching module of physics courses in advanced professional education as a studied subject,and going through the implementation of a series of teaching practices. The article also structures an exploring styled teaching module of the integration of IT and physics courses in advanced professional education, summarizes the effectiveness of the whole integration practices, and presents the prospects of future studies on this subject as well.

The article first reviewed the historical background, importance, and models of the integration of information technology and teaching. It then explored the procedures and methods of such an integrati...


The article first reviewed the historical background, importance, and models of the integration of information technology and teaching. It then explored the procedures and methods of such an integration by examining a modular approach in technical college physics course and its implementation in real teaching. After surveying its feasibility from the technical perspective and its necessity from the theoretical perspective, the article proposed an exploratory teaching model of technical college physics course that integrates information technology. The article concludes with a summary of the effectiveness of this approach in practice and a discussion of the future directions of study on the subject.
翻译这篇摘要,关键是要打破中文行文的模式,使其符合英文的惯例。职高其实翻译成technical college更合适。


This article from the information technology and the curriculumcurriculum conformity historical background, the conformitysignificance, the conformity pattern embarks,Take current high duty physics cu...


This article from the information technology and the curriculumcurriculum conformity historical background, the conformitysignificance, the conformity pattern embarks,Take current high duty physics curriculum in module teaching asresearch object,Through a series of teaching practice, the information technology andthe physical curriculum conformity process, the conformity waylaunches the discussion,Then has analyzed the information technology and the physicalcurriculum conformity feasibility from the technical stratificationplane, has analyzed the information technology and the physicalcurriculum conformity necessity from the theory stratification plane,
Constructed has constructed the high duty information technology andthe physical curriculum conformity educational model - inquires intothe type educational model,And has carried on the summary to the conformity practice effect,simultaneously also has given the forecast to the next research.


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