
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 21:25:39


Western developed countries, comparison humanity, and is taught by a man, full implementation of a quality education, even a loose type of education, or even larger than humanity. Especially children, before the sixth grade, the basic is the loose type of education, teachers and parents do not insist their children. Mainly in the sports and playful learning and increased knowledge. In the 6-12 grades this stage, the child's primary learning objective is to develop reading, comprehension and writing skills, is very easy, the child will not feel pressure because of homework. Their logical thinking ability is nurtured during this time. When they enter college, Barbara's hard phase began as the University of the West is admitted to the easy, hard to graduate. University of the West is oversupply. So, when the child entered college, to work, many students want to start up the curriculum, and begin to learn to face the University of strength and challenges. At this point, their body and brain has fully developed, especially in spiritual and emotional world is forming, and self-control, self-restraint, self-control ability, very mature. This is a child of any strength that can withstand the pressure, will not learn too much intensity of physical and mental harm suffered, resulting in the situation of weariness. They need is a hard, hard, hard, very good to complete their studies. University graduates to become a genuine talent. We used to be China or type of education, mainly by teachers educate, and parental supervision, and let the children learn as much as possible and to accept new knowledge, at the same time, to do exercises to be massive, a lot of memorizing a lot of learning or memory contents. Every child from an early age began to face the pressure and confusion. Our children, in elementary school six years, began non-stop learning, doing homework, recite famous famous. Children lost innocence and play opportunities. In particular, to the beginning of high school, more academic work, knowledge, capacity, homework is more pressure in children breathe air, but to. 70% to 80% of high school students are put on the glasses. However, once admitted to the university, they relieved, but also from the parents, management, and began to feel relieved, not like the high school by teachers and parents as monitoring and supervision. Most students still continue to learn. A considerable number of students began to laissez-faire itself, abandoned their studies, dance love, and so should not have happened at school things have happened. Because they have too much pressure on teenagers, so, the university began to release its own resistance. These children are vulnerable to the other extreme. The results of two teaching methods are totally different. Western's graduates after entering the community will quickly adapt to social, Hen easier to face the challenges, compared to, the adaptation capability; and our Chinese university graduates, after entering the community, a Shi Jian Xu Yao's adaptation period in order to really integrate into the society they have to face. Quickly need one to two years, the need for slower two to five years, individual students may be difficult to adapt to society. For these reasons that caused the education system. Our lack of understanding, is to catch up with developed countries in order to better levels of education. Barbara trained their personnel. If you or your friends need advice, can contact me, I will give you very good suggestions and comments. Including children's education, students and children should mind what physical and mental development.
西方发达国家的教育,比较人性化,而且是因人而教,完全实施的是一种素质教育, 甚至是一种宽松式的教育,甚至是大过人性化.
我们中国还是采用应式教育,主要还是靠老师的灌输,和家长的督促,让孩子尽可能多的学习和接受新知识, 同时,要海量的做练习题,大量背诵或是记忆很多学习内容.每个孩子从小就开始面对压力和困惑.我们的孩子,在小学六年里, 就开始不停的学习,做功课,背诵名家名言. 孩子失去了天真和玩耍的机会.特别是到了初高中时,更是功课繁重,知识量大,功课十分多,压的孩子喘不过来气.70%到80%的高中生都带上了眼镜. 但是,一旦考入大学,他们如释重负,又脱离了家长的严管,开始感到轻松了,也没有像高中那样受到老师和家长的监督和督促.大多数学生还是继续努力学习的.有相当一部分学生开始放任自己,荒废学业,跳舞谈恋爱,等等不该发生在学校的事情,都发生了.因为他们在青少年时期承受的压力太大了,所以,到了大学才开始释放自己的抵触情绪.这些孩子很容易走向另一个极端.
两种教育方式的结果是完全不同的. 西方的大学毕业生进入社会后,会很快的适应社会,很容易去面对挑战,相比来说,适应能力较强; 而我们中国的大学毕业生,在进入社会后,需要一段时间的适应期,才能真的融入他们要面对的社会.快些需要一到两年,慢的需要二到五年,个别学生可能很难适应社会. 造成这些的原因,就是教育制度所导致的.了解了我们的不足,是为了更好赶上发达国家的教育水平.培养出真真自己的人才.
如果您或是您的朋友需要咨询,可以和我联系,我会给你很好的建议和意见. 包括孩子的教育,留学和孩子身心发育应该主意的事情.