
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 04:55:02


A:Hey,you are having a crush on Tom Hanks,aren't you?
B:Oh,please,don't be silly.He's like from,you know,ages ago.
A:All right,then.which type of person do you appreciate?
B:What are you refering to exactly?In which way?
A:Well,just your standard of choosing someone as your boyfriend.What's your type?
B:Oh,well...that's hard to tell,anyway,the feelings count the most,I suppose.
A:Ok,let's take this in a more specific way.would you like someone like,er...Jackie Chan?
B:Oh,for God's sake,he's no way the type I appreciate.I mean,he's an excellent actor,and successful,too.But I wouldn't be attracted by some guy like him.
A:Oh,really?What's the matter with Jackie Chan?He's considered charming by a lot of women,isn't he?
B:Well,I surely don't know about that,Lily.But personally,I have no feelings for him.And what's more,he's no handsome,is he?
A:Ha,you think this way?That's interesting...well,then,how do you think about brad Pitt?He's fairly handsome,isn't he?
B:Oh,that's a good one.He is truely attractive,and really strong...but still,he's not up to my street.
A:Really?Come on,what's wrong with Pitt?Isn't he just perfect?
B:Honey,he is charming.But don't you think he's a little too loose about his personal life?
A:Is he?
B:Surely.Haven't you heard of those horrible rumours about his private life?Having such a boyfriend must be uneasy.
A:Aha!I got one.Leonardo DiCaprio,as Jack in Titanic.Now what do you say?
B:Oh,Gosh.The man is deadly charming.Have you seen his dark blue eyes and the golden soft hair,oh oh,and the smile?
A:Definetely.When he smiled,I was almost melted.So now,he's the answer,right?
B:He's the best one.But actually,you know what?He's perfect only as Jack,and still,I think there could be more.
A:Gosh,I never knew you were so strict about this thing,Mon.Now,just tell me straight what the hell are your expectations of your Mr.right?
B:Well...Um.that's hard to say in a word,you know.But I just wish there'd be a guy who is full of capacity,and good-looking...well you know what?I kind of hope he could be a little different from normal guys.Like.
B:Yeah.I wish he's charming in a special way.You know,like there'd always be some surprises.
A:I see who he is.
A:Peter Parker.
A:The Spiderman,sweetie.

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