英语高手帮我写封英文信函,内容大概就是:1:关于packing list和railway bill毛重不同的问题,这其中肯定有错误,由于我方负责这件事的人这几天出差了,下礼拜才回来,所以不知是中国外运的错误

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 06:32:18
英语高手帮我写封英文信函,内容大概就是:1:关于packing list和railway bill毛重不同的问题,这其中肯定有错误,由于我方负责这件事的人这几天出差了,下礼拜才回来,所以不知是中国外运的错误

英语高手帮我写封英文信函,内容大概就是:1:关于packing list和railway bill毛重不同的问题,这其中肯定有错误,由于我方负责这件事的人这几天出差了,下礼拜才回来,所以不知是中国外运的错误
1:关于packing list和railway bill毛重不同的问题,这其中肯定有错误,由于我方负责这件事的人这几天出差了,下礼拜才回来,所以不知是中国外运的错误还是我方的箱单出了问题.对此我们表示十分抱歉.下面是箱单毛净重的明细.
2:wagon number错误的问题 我们已经改正过来了,很快会寄给您.

英语高手帮我写封英文信函,内容大概就是:1:关于packing list和railway bill毛重不同的问题,这其中肯定有错误,由于我方负责这件事的人这几天出差了,下礼拜才回来,所以不知是中国外运的错误
1.we are sorry for the gross weight differennce between packing list and railway bill, there must be something wrong. we have totally no idea whether it comes from the china transport or our packing list since the one who is in charge of this won't be back on his business trip till next week. anyway, please check the following details about the gross and net weight.
2. we have changed the wagon number already. we will send it to you soon.

1、The question that the gross weight is different in the packing list from the railway bill,it must be something wrong in the two documents.Because of the one who is in charge of this thing is on a bu...


1、The question that the gross weight is different in the packing list from the railway bill,it must be something wrong in the two documents.Because of the one who is in charge of this thing is on a bussiness trip now,and he will come back next week,i don't know if there is something wrong in the transport or something wrong with our packing list.We are very sorry for this.As below,it is the clear and the detailed of the gross weight and net weight for the goods.
2、The wrong with the wagon number,we have already put it right.And we will send it to you as soon as possible.
At the last we are so sorry for this thing.Please understand.


About the difference in gross weight on packing list and railway bill, there must be something wrong. But the person in charge of this on my side has left for business and won’t be back until next wee...


About the difference in gross weight on packing list and railway bill, there must be something wrong. But the person in charge of this on my side has left for business and won’t be back until next week. We don’t know whether it’s the mistake of Sinotrans or of our packing list. We apologize for this. And below is the detailed gross and net weight on packing list.
2. About the error on wagon number, we have corrected it already, and it will be mailed to you soon.
We are sorry about this again and thank you for your understanding
中国外运是一家运输公司,所以一定要用他们在国际上的英文名Sinotrans, 楼上翻成china transportation了


英语高手帮我写封英文信函,内容大概就是:1:关于packing list和railway bill毛重不同的问题,这其中肯定有错误,由于我方负责这件事的人这几天出差了,下礼拜才回来,所以不知是中国外运的错误 英语高手帮我写封英文信函,由于外运公司的错误,造成了毛重不一样的问题.现在我们为了配合您取货,在此修改了箱单的毛重.由于海关征税是以净重为标准,所以毛重的问题不会影响您交税的 请英语高手帮我写一封简单的英文信函称呼和结尾不用写了 就帮我写下中间的内容很高兴收到您的来信,我方很高兴和您合作.如果您在确定5-6周内有货 政府也同意 并且能按时发货给我们的 求个英语高手帮我写个简单的英文自我介绍有个200词左右即可大概内容如下xx的地方就是我自己能填上的:我的名字叫xx,出生于1993年,来自于四川省泸州市,目前在XX大学就读地理信息系统专业 求英语高手用英文帮我写个自我介绍 请懂英文商务信函书写格式的高手请进 帮我检查下我的信函作业有没有错 谢谢第一部分是我的信封内容:Allen Hai LinAmoy International Trading Co. Ltd1 Binhai Road Xiamen,Fujian,361000(我不确定这个邮 懂商务英文的进,懂英文的请进来!请按照英语信件的格式帮我写一份英语信函!劳驾,内容如下:从近期的《国际商业》上,我们得知贵公司裕购买中国皮革制品.我们是这一行业的主要出口商之 请高手帮我写一封英文的道歉信给教师~大概内容就是教师对不起·这个学期我因为家里有事···两个星期回了中国··缺了这么多的课··而且作业写得不好··我保证以后不会··以后会好好学 帮我写封英语情书`要翻译! 高分请英语高手帮我写篇短文,六到八句话即可短文内容见附件 求:高手帮我写篇关于王力宏的英文作文,大概200字左右急 急 急 英文商务信函怎么写? 《我的生日邀请》英语小作文哪位帅哥或美眉能帮我写一篇英语小作文《我的生日邀请》大概就是这样了!内容只要邀请一个人的! 哪位高手能帮我写一张英文请假条?内容如下:“我9月15日想请个假!” 就这么简单, 我的新娘会是谁?这句话英文怎么写?英语高手帮我 写商务信函中顺祝商祺的英文是什么?我现在与外商写英文的商务信函. 帮我写篇你英语作文,内容是“假如你下周要过生日,想要举行一个生日派对,请给朋友写封电子邮件 谁帮我以英文写出这封回信啊.小明和小华是在手拉手活动中结成一对学习伙伴.前不久,小明来信向小华询问如何学好英语.以小华的名义写封回信…内容包括:1学习英语的基本方法(听说读