
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 21:39:43

按理说伊丽莎白和达西结合是郎才女貌,天作地设的一对姻缘,不应该有太多的曲折才对.但两个人在性格上都有各自的弱点:伊丽莎白是一位中产阶级的小姐,受过中等教育,是一名绅士的女儿.其父亲本内特先生年轻时贪图貌美娶了本内特太太,结果大为后悔,于是只好用调侃的语气和自认为无伤大雅的玩笑来调剂生活.也因此,他对女儿的婚姻观已开始采取的是放任自流的态度.也照造就了她对婚姻自由的向往,在面对母亲要他嫁给MR.COLLINS,她坚决不同意.但同贵族阶级相比家庭地位还是低下,亲友又是没有教养,常常在公共场合丑态百出,使她自惭自愧,在这样的环境中就为她性格中的偏见奠定了基础;而达西性格偏内向,不喜欢和陌生人说话.再加上他出身豪门,拥有巨额财富,难免会给人以傲慢的印象.达希向来就不屑周围肤浅的人际关系,直到他遇到了莉琪才真正改变了他的方式,当然他并不是个只重视金钱跟地位的人,只是他本身的个性使然,如果他没遇到他真正喜欢的人,他的个性有可能就这样继续下去,这样的他会不会很痛苦?两人刚开始接触时,对彼此的印象都不好.但随着接触的增多,渐渐地被伊丽莎白的美丽和可爱所打动,尤其是她机灵的头脑和诙谐更是深深吸引了他,尽管他觉得伊丽莎白出身不算高贵,看不起她的家庭并认定自己向伊丽莎白求婚,已经是降低了要求,违背了自己的意志、理智,甚至是违背人格来做的.他认为身份低微而又缺少金钱财富的伊丽莎白一定会对他这样身份的贵公子表达爱意而欣喜若狂的接受.但是当他“自以为肯定会得到个满意的答案,…脸上却流露出一副稳操胜券的神气时,却激起了伊丽莎白的怨恨,并断然拒绝了他的求婚,还毫不留情地指责他的傲慢无礼.这里表现了爱情对于婚姻的崇高意义:哪怕再富有、再英俊,如果以一种居高临下甚至“傲慢”的姿态对待另一方时,那两者是很难产生爱情,没有爱情就不会再有婚姻.后来达西渐渐认识到了自己的不足,他接受了伊丽莎白的指责,并改正了自己傲慢自负的缺点.而且在达西挺身而出,解决了莉迪亚和威克姆的“婚姻危机”后,也赢得了伊丽莎白的尊重,并逐渐接受了“悔过”的达西,两人之间终于产生了真挚的感情,并最终结成了美满的姻缘.她们的婚姻既是理性的选择又有深厚的感情基 础 .伊丽莎白自身上体现着婚姻的真正价值和时代追求 .伊丽莎白对达西先后几次求婚的不同态度 .实际上反映女性对人格独立和平等权利的追求 .伊丽莎白聪明机智,有胆识,有远见,有很强的自尊心并善于思考问题.这使她在爱情问题上有主见,并因之而获得幸福.面对情感她不像妹妹丽迪雅凭一时的冲动作决定,保持了做人 的尊严体现了思想和理性的力量;尤其值得敬佩的是她坚持男女双方的真挚感情是缔结理想婚姻的基石,反对为了财产、金钱和地位而结婚 .这在当时妇女处 于无权地位把婚姻当作己唯一出路的社会是极具进步意义的 .

Reason is a combination of Elizabeth and Darcy郎才女貌,days to set up for a pair of marriage should not have too many twists and turns right.At the two people have their own personality on the weaknesses:Elizabeth is a middle-class young lady,a secondary education,is a gentleman's daughter.His father,Mr.Bennett married a young man just for the sake of the beauty of Mrs.Bennett,greatly regret the outcome,they had no choice but to use the tone of ridicule and self-harmless joke to think Living transfer.As a result,his daughter's marriage has started to take the laissez-faire attitude.Zhao also created a longing for her freedom of marriage in the face of the mother to marry him MR.COLLINS,she strongly disagreed.But compared with the aristocratic class,or family status Low,friends or relatives are not education,usually in public places ugly 100,making her quite自惭,in such an environment on the personality of her prejudices laid a foundation; and Darcy migraine personality introvert dislike and speak to strangers.Together with him on Homer,who has enormous wealth,it is inevitable to give the impression of arrogance.Dash has always been on the disdain surrounding superficial interpersonal relationships,until he met Lizzie truly changed his ways,of course,he only cares about money is not a position with the people,but due to his own personality,if he did not encounter he really likes the person,his personality may have on this to go on,so he will not be painful?Both the beginning of contacts,the impression of each other are not good.However,as contact increased gradually by Elizabeth's beauty and impressed by the lovely,especially her clever mind and the humorous is deeply attracted him,although he felt that Elizabeth,who is not noble,despise her home and found their own propose to Elizabeth,is already reduced the requirement violates their will,rational,and even contrary to the personality to do.He believes that low identity and the lack of money wealth Elizabeth must have his identity You son of an IM conversation and ecstatic acceptance.But when he "thought would certainly gain a satisfactory answer,but ...her face showing a pair of victory was guaranteed in the air,they aroused the resentment of Elizabeth and categorically rejected his suitor,but also accused him mercilessly The insolent.here the performance of a love for the noble meaning of marriage:even if no longer rich,no longer handsome,if in a condescending or even "arrogant" attitude towards the other side,then the two are rather difficult to have love,no love there will be no more marriage.Later Darcy gradually realize that their own deficiencies,he accepted the Elizabeth's accusations,and correct its own shortcomings conceited arrogance.but also in the West to come forward and solve the Lydia and Wickham's "marriage crisis",also won respect for Elizabeth and gradually accepted the "repentance" of the West,between the two men finally have had a sincere feeling,and eventually formed a happy marriage.Their marriage is both a rational selection and basic deep feelings.Elizabeth on its own embodies the true value of marriage and the pursuit of time.Elizabeth Darcy has to propose several different attitudes.in fact reflect the personality of female independence and the pursuit of equal rights.Elizabeth clever wit,Have courage,vision and strong and able to consider self-esteem problem.This makes her strong-minded on questions of love and happy result obtained.the face of emotion,unlike her sister,Lydia,with a decision on impulse,to maintain their dignity as a human embodiment of the power of thought and reason; in particular,are worthy of the respect she insist sincere feelings of both men and women are the cornerstone of the conclusion of the ideal of marriage as opposed to property,money and marriage status.This was not entitled to the status of women in put their own marriage as the only way out of the society are very progressive.

Arguably, Elizabeth and darcy is made to match, a pair of marriage, should not have too many twists and turns. But two men in all have their own weaknesses: Elizabeth is an educated middle class, miss...


Arguably, Elizabeth and darcy is made to match, a pair of marriage, should not have too many twists and turns. But two men in all have their own weaknesses: Elizabeth is an educated middle class, miss the secondary education, is a gentleman's daughter. Her father, Mr Bennett covet beautiful young married, Mrs. Bennett has resulted in great regret, and had fun with the tone and think good jokes to regulate the life. Therefore, he began to her marriage is already shoplifting-spare attitude. And as for her freedom of marriage made in the face of yearning, his mother wanted him to marry MR. COLLINS, she strongly disagreed with nobility. But compared low, friends or family status is not educated, often in public, she choutaibaichu since will die, since in this environment for her personality laid the foundation of the prejudice, But darcy slant character, don't like and introverted to strangers. Plus he was born with a vast wealth, giants, can give a person with arrogance is the impression. Herod had always been dismissive of interpersonal relationship, around the superficial until he met li qi really changed his way, he certainly is not only to take the money and position of the person, but he's personality, if he didn't meet him really like, his personality may continue, so that he will not painful? They began to each contact bad impression. But along with the increasing gradually, contact the beautiful and lovely Elizabeth, especially touched by her sharp mind and humorous is attracted to him, although he is not high, from that Elizabeth despise her family and their marriage is to Elizabeth, reduced requirements, against their will, reason, and even to do against personality. He thinks identity lowly and lack of money for the wealth he Elizabeth, your son to express love the identity of the moon. But when he thinks will get a satisfactory answer, but... reveal a pair of animation, but when a shoo-in aroused Elizabeth resentment, and turned down his proposal of marriage, also relentessly accused him of the insolent. Here's lofty significance for marriage, love, even if again, again with a handsome, if concealed even "arrogance" attitude towards the other party, it is difficult to have love, marriage without love won't be. Then gradually realized darcy, he accepted the accused, and correct the queen Elizabeth the arrogance of his shortcoming. But in darcy, solved Lydia and wacker's "marriages", has won the respect, and gradually Elizabeth accepted "da" repent, between two finally produced sincere feelings, and finally formed a happy marriage. Their marriage is rational choice and a profound sentiment. Elizabeth, reflecting on their real value and age of marriage. Elizabeth to darcy successively proposed several different attitudes to reflect actually. Women independent personality right peace. Elizabeth, witty, prescient vision, have very strong self-respect and thoughtful questions. This made her love and issues to obtain happiness and interfering with emotion. But she didn't like a sister Lydia with the decision, and maintain the action blunt human dignity embodies the thought and rational power; especially admire her true feelings on both the cornerstone of an ideal marriage is concluded, the opposition to property, money and get married. This was in the right position in women's marriage as the only way out of the society has the meaning is extremely progress.


West by rights Elizabeth and reaches the union is a perfect match, the day makes a pair of marriage affinity which supposes, should not have too many winding is only then right. But two people have th...


West by rights Elizabeth and reaches the union is a perfect match, the day makes a pair of marriage affinity which supposes, should not have too many winding is only then right. But two people have the respective weakness in the disposition: Elizabeth is a middle class young lady, has received the secondary education, is a gentleman's daughter. In his/her the father parent gentleman is especially young when sought after pretty married this in wife, the result is the regret greatly especially, therefore had to use the expression which teased and from thought did not hurt the essentials the joke regulated one's life. Also therefore, what he started to daughter's marital view to adopt is lets matters drift the manner. Also according to having accomplished her to freedom of marriage yearning, is facing the mother to want him to marry to MR.COLLINS, she did not agree firmly. But compares the home capacity with the upper crust to be low, the relatives and friends have not educated, acts like a fool frequently in the public area, causes her to feel ashamed from ashamedly, has laid the foundation in such environment for her disposition's in prejudice; But west reaches the disposition to be introverted, does not like with the stranger speaking. In addition his family background rich and powerful family, has the large amount wealth, will give the human unavoidably by the arrogant impression. Periphery reaches hopes always disdains the superficial interpersonal relationship, until he ran into Li Qi only then truly to change his way, certainly he was not only takes the money with the status person, was only his individuality makes to cause to so, if he has not run into the human who he liked truly, his individuality had the possibility like this to continue, could such he be very painful? Two people just started when contacts, to each other's impression is not good. But along with contact increase, gradually beautiful and lovable moves by Elizabeth, particularly her smart brains and humorous have attracted him deeply, although he thought that the Elizabeth family background did not calculate noblly, looked down upon her family and recognized that oneself proposed to Elizabeth, already reduced the request, has violated own will, the reason, even violated the personality to do. He thought the status mean and lacks the money wealth Elizabeth certainly will express to his such status son of upper-class family loves acceptance which Italy will be wild with joy. But when he “from thought that definitely will obtain a satisfactory answer,…On when the face actually reveals the manner which is sure of success, actually has aroused Elizabeth's hate, and absolute refusal his proposing, but also be relentless accuses him arrogant impolite. Here has displayed love regarding the marital lofty significance: Even if is again rich, is again handsome, if occupies a commanding position even “arrogant” by one kind when the posture treats another side, that both are very difficult to have love, will not have love again not to have the marriage. West afterward reached realized gradually his insufficiency, he has accepted Elizabeth's accusation, and corrected the shortcoming which one were proud arrogant. Moreover bravely steps forward west reaching, after having solved Lydia and Wickham “the marital crisis”, also has won Elizabeth's respect, and has accepted “repented” west gradually reaching, between two people have had the sincere sentiment finally, and has formed the content marriage affinity finally. Their marriage is not only the rational choice also has the deep emotional basis. Elizabeth own on is manifesting the marital true value and the time pursue. Elizabeth different manner which several times proposes successively to reaching west. In fact reflection female to right and so on personality independent peace pursues. Elizabeth intelligent quick-witted, has the courage and wisdom, far-seeing, has the very strong self-respect and is good at pondering the question. This enables her to have the opinion in love question, and because of obtains happiness. She does not look like younger sister Li Yaping facing the emotion for a while to flush the movement to decide that maintained personhood's dignity has manifested the thought and the rational strength; Especially what is worth admiring is she insisted that the male and female both sides' sincere sentiment is concludes ideal marital the cornerstone, opposed that for the property, the money and the status marries. This was in at that time the woman has no right the status to treat as the marriage the only way out the society has extremely the progressive significance.


West by rights Elizabeth and reaches the union is a perfect match, the day makes a pair of marriage affinity which supposes, should not have too many winding is only then right. But two people have th...


West by rights Elizabeth and reaches the union is a perfect match, the day makes a pair of marriage affinity which supposes, should not have too many winding is only then right. But two people have the respective weakness in the disposition: Elizabeth is a middle class young lady, has received the secondary education, is a gentleman's daughter. In his/her the father parent gentleman is especially young when sought after pretty married this in wife, the result is the regret greatly especially, therefore had to use the expression which teased and from thought did not hurt the essentials the joke regulated one's life. Also therefore, what he started to daughter's marital view to adopt is lets matters drift the manner. Also according to having accomplished her to freedom of marriage yearning, is facing the mother to want him to marry to MR.COLLINS, she did not agree firmly. But compares the home capacity with the upper crust to be low, the relatives and friends have not educated, acts like a fool frequently in the public area, causes her to feel ashamed from ashamedly, has laid the foundation in such environment for her disposition's in prejudice; But west reaches the disposition to be introverted, does not like with the stranger speaking. In addition his family background rich and powerful family, has the large amount wealth, will give the human unavoidably by the arrogant impression. Periphery reaches hopes always disdains the superficial interpersonal relationship, until he ran into Li Qi only then truly to change his way, certainly he was not only takes the money with the status person, was only his individuality makes to cause to so, if he has not run into the human who he liked truly, his individuality had the possibility like this to continue, could such he be very painful? Two people just started when contacts, to each other's impression is not good. But along with contact increase, gradually beautiful and lovable moves by Elizabeth, particularly her smart brains and humorous have attracted him deeply, although he thought that the Elizabeth family background did not calculate noblly, looked down upon her family and recognized that oneself proposed to Elizabeth, already reduced the request, has violated own will, the reason, even violated the personality to do. He thought the status mean and lacks the money wealth Elizabeth certainly will express to his such status son of upper-class family loves acceptance which Italy will be wild with joy. But when he “from thought that definitely will obtain a satisfactory answer,…On when the face actually reveals the manner which is sure of success, actually has aroused Elizabeth's hate, and absolute refusal his proposing, but also be relentless accuses him arrogant impolite. Here has displayed love regarding the marital lofty significance: Even if is again rich, is again handsome, if occupies a commanding position even “arrogant” by one kind when the posture treats another side, that both are very difficult to have love, will not have love again not to have the marriage. West afterward reached realized gradually his insufficiency, he has accepted Elizabeth's accusation, and corrected the shortcoming which one were proud arrogant. Moreover bravely steps forward west reaching, after having solved Lydia and Wickham “the marital crisis”, also has won Elizabeth's respect, and has accepted “repented” west gradually reaching, between two people have had the sincere sentiment finally, and has formed the content marriage affinity finally. Their marriage is not only the rational choice also has the deep emotional basis. Elizabeth own on is manifesting the marital true value and the time pursue. Elizabeth different manner which several times proposes successively to reaching west. In fact reflection female to right and so on personality independent peace pursues. Elizabeth intelligent quick-witted, has the courage and wisdom, far-seeing, has the very strong self-respect and is good at pondering the question. This enables her to have the opinion in love question, and because of obtains happiness. She does not look like younger sister Li Yaping facing the emotion for a while to flush the movement to decide that maintained personhood's dignity has manifested the thought and the rational strength; Especially what is worth admiring is she insisted that the male and female both sides' sincere sentiment is concludes ideal marital the cornerstone, opposed that for the property, the money and the status marries. This was in at that time the woman has no right the status to treat as the marriage the only way out the society has extremely the progressive significance.


英语翻译按理说伊丽莎白和达西结合是郎才女貌,天作地设的一对姻缘,不应该有太多的曲折才对.但两个人在性格上都有各自的弱点:伊丽莎白是一位中产阶级的小姐,受过中等教育,是一名绅 “伊丽莎白”的英文是? 英语翻译这是一篇关于乔治六世和伊丽莎白王太后早年的爱情故事.当中写道乔治六世两次求婚均被对方拒绝,第二次求婚之后,他和伊丽莎白通信,原文是这样的:(乔治六世向伊丽莎白表达了 欧洲皇室称谓问题```请问欧洲他们菲肋二世,亨利八世,伊丽莎白.这个称号是根据什么而决定的?例如,伊丽莎白一世和二世之间相差好几百年.为什么不是伊丽莎白之后跟着伊丽莎白二世呢?亨利 英语翻译在伊丽莎白姨母家,韦翰跟伊丽莎白谈到达西先生怎么对他不好,伊丽莎白说了句 I wonder that the very pride of this Mr Darcy has not make him just to If from no better motive,that he should not have been too prou 伊丽莎白的英语是甚么 英语翻译请翻译——【按理说,他本不该这样】-------关键是这个【按理说】我不会翻 伊丽莎白一世的简介和故事越多越好 英语翻译傲慢与偏见营造了一个以聪明自尊的伊丽莎白和傲慢贵族达西爱情喜剧为中心的爱情大团圆;红楼梦叙述了以贵族子弟贾宝玉和多情敏感的林黛玉的爱情悲剧,两部作品中女主人公 伊丽莎白是哈密瓜吗还是什么瓜 英语翻译班纳特夫妇有五位女儿待字闺中,其中伊丽莎白是位既聪慧又有主见的女子.一位富有的单身贵族达西先生就住在附近.班纳特一家尤其是伊丽莎白,对骄傲的达西渐生厌恶.虽然达西和 伊丽莎白二世 为什么是英国女王那查尔斯王子和威廉王子为什么又是王储? 英语翻译简•奥斯丁通过对小说女主人公伊丽莎白的成功塑造体现了奥斯丁在婚姻问题上的价值取向.小说最吸引我的是伊丽莎白的人格魅力.正如奥斯丁所说的:“我承认,伊丽莎白是出现 2002年去世的玛丽王太后和现任女王伊丽莎白二世是什么关系?到底是母女还是祖母女关系?可是玛丽王太后是伊丽莎白的父亲的母亲阿~ 伊丽莎白一世时期 英国是什么制度 那英国和西班牙的战争为什么说是制度上的胜利 那君主立宪制是什么时候?貌似是光荣革命后吧 有点不清楚 对了 为什么 伊丽莎白一世的时候就有议会呢? 英语翻译求求各为英语才子/才女了! 求问king和emperor的区别电影Elizabeth:The Golden Age里Walsingham急于伊丽莎白一世的婚事,伊丽莎白说“ I know Turkey has the Sultan and China has the Emperor.”(土耳其有苏丹,中国有皇帝.)那么伊丽莎白是属于Kin 英语翻译这个词出自《傲慢与偏见》,是描述伊丽莎白他爹的侄子的.原话是:he was a tall,heavy-looking young man of five-and-twenty.