英语大师来 cnn新闻中的几个问题1.you create some changes to the brain that can interfere with that development,and lead to lifelong problems,whether it be memory problems,whether it be emotional problems such as depression or anger,这句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 22:34:32
英语大师来 cnn新闻中的几个问题1.you create some changes to the brain that can interfere with that development,and lead to lifelong problems,whether it be memory problems,whether it be emotional problems such as depression or anger,这句

英语大师来 cnn新闻中的几个问题1.you create some changes to the brain that can interfere with that development,and lead to lifelong problems,whether it be memory problems,whether it be emotional problems such as depression or anger,这句
英语大师来 cnn新闻中的几个问题
1.you create some changes to the brain that can interfere with that development,and lead to lifelong problems,whether it be memory problems,whether it be emotional problems such as depression or anger,这句话中whether it be emotional problems such as depression or anger为什么用be?such as是什么词?修饰的是problems?(CNN新闻 巴西里约热内卢建筑物突然倒塌)2.These two leaders represent the two largest economies in Europe,they believe the new plan would prevent another major debt crisis and stablize Europe's eCNN新闻 大脑受到震荡conomies,but it still has to be ratified by most members of European union and what's unknown is if it will be and if it will work.这句话最后的will (CNN新闻 欧洲领导人试图组织另一场负债危机)

英语大师来 cnn新闻中的几个问题1.you create some changes to the brain that can interfere with that development,and lead to lifelong problems,whether it be memory problems,whether it be emotional problems such as depression or anger,这句

英语大师来 cnn新闻中的几个问题1.you create some changes to the brain that can interfere with that development,and lead to lifelong problems,whether it be memory problems,whether it be emotional problems such as depression or anger,这句 英语大师来 cnn新闻中的几个问题1.you create some changes to the brain that can interfere with that development,and lead to lifelong problems,whether it be memory problems,whether it be emotional problems such as depression or anger,这句 英语大师来 CNN新闻 海地霍乱疫情严重 中的几个问题She has more for us on the situation down there and how officials are trying to deal with this outbreak.这句话中的down是什么词性,(在文章的第2段最后)The situati 英语专家来 可可CNN新闻 生活节奏快导致心脏病 中的几个问题1.Followed more than 3,000 study participants from their 20s and 30s,rating their time urgency and impatience levels by asking these four questions:1.分析一下这句 英语专家来 帮解决一下 可可CNN新闻 生活节奏快导致心脏病 中的几个问题Followed more than 3,000 study participants from their 20s and 30s, rating their time urgency and impatience levels by asking these four questions:1.分 语法专家 CNN新闻:美国选战移师新罕布什尔州 尼日利亚罢工要求恢复补贴 中的几个问题,网上有原文1.And many took to the streets,demanding the government restore the subsidy.这句话中的took 表示人们自己主 英语语法问题 英语语法大师来帮忙看看 Thanks!1.She has more for us on the situation down there and how officials are trying to deal with this outbreak.这句话中的down是什么词性,down ( CNN新闻 海地霍乱疫情严重,在 英语语法大师来 CNN爱尔兰公布紧缩措施 中的几个问题,网上有原文,The ideas they need to bring down their massive budget deficit down to below 3% of GDP by 2014.这句话中的ideas后面是不是省略了that?为什么省略? 英语语法大师来 帮忙看一下 CNN金融危机本可以避免 中的几个问题,谢谢The report puts part of the blame on major corporations, saying they didn't run themselves properly or take into account the risks of some of their busi 语法大师来 CNN新闻 欧洲领导人试图阻止另一场负债危机中的几句话If one of these governments goes under,it could hurt all of the economies,the US economy and others worldwide.这句话中的could是什么意思?为什么不用 语法专家 CNN新闻:美国选战移师新罕布什尔州 尼日利亚罢工要求恢复补贴 中的几个问题,网上有原文And many took to the streets,demanding the government restore the subsidy.这句话中的took 表示人们自己主动 CNN报错大新闻 CNN新闻怎么样 英语大师快来, 英语大师来帮忙 英语大师快来 在US.CNN.COM或news.yahoo.com找一篇简短得国际英语新闻 谁有CNN普特英语的MP3格式的新闻合集如题