爱上你是个错误,但是生命如此短暂,所以我宁可一错再错,英语怎么说?though love you is a mistake ,the life is ,so i 'would rather go on making mistake .还有,i want to be with you even though it is wrong .这两句哪个对?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 12:26:01
爱上你是个错误,但是生命如此短暂,所以我宁可一错再错,英语怎么说?though love you is a mistake ,the life is ,so i 'would rather go on making mistake .还有,i want to be with you even though it is wrong .这两句哪个对?

爱上你是个错误,但是生命如此短暂,所以我宁可一错再错,英语怎么说?though love you is a mistake ,the life is ,so i 'would rather go on making mistake .还有,i want to be with you even though it is wrong .这两句哪个对?
though love you is a mistake ,the life is ,so i 'would rather go on making mistake .还有,i want to be with you even though it is wrong .这两句哪个对?如果不对,什么是对的?

爱上你是个错误,但是生命如此短暂,所以我宁可一错再错,英语怎么说?though love you is a mistake ,the life is ,so i 'would rather go on making mistake .还有,i want to be with you even though it is wrong .这两句哪个对?
第一句不成句子太chiglish了,第二个句子是对的,Falling in love with you is a mistake .I would rather go on making mistakes,for life is so short .

爱上你是个错误,但是生命如此短暂,所以我宁可一错再错,英语怎么说?though love you is a mistake ,the life is ,so i 'would rather go on making mistake .还有,i want to be with you even though it is wrong .这两句哪个对? 生命如此短暂? 生命为什么如此短暂? 为什么生命如此短暂? 人生为什么生命如此短暂? 生命为何如此短暂啊 伟哥-作用大家来说说吧今日天很蓝,阳光很暖,连鸟儿的歌声都很甜,行人个个带笑脸,我也忙把短信编,送你问候和愿:你,幸福年年生命是如此的短暂,所以不要把时间都浪费在嫉恨一个人身上 麻烦来个英语好点的大神帮忙翻译一句话为什么我如此的想念你 为什么我如此的离不开你 难道是因为我先爱上你吗?在线等 麻烦了 谢谢. 生命如此短暂,我们应怎么过? 阅读下面对话,小草:昙花啊,你只能活短短的一段时间,何必苦苦的争艳呢?昙花:正因为我的生命如此短暂,所以我得抢时间为生活添光彩啊!昙花、小草谁说的对?为什么?————————— 英语翻译:快乐的时光是短暂的,寒假即将结束,但是这个寒假必将成为我生命中的点缀 爱上你是我的错 英文翻译 爱上你是我的错 英文 爱上你是我的错 英文 关于《贝壳》(初一课文)这篇课文主要是写贝壳中的肉体,尽管生命短暂,但是创造出来的居所如此精致,还是写贝壳给它体内的生命创造出了精致的居所? 生命之所以短暂是为什么? 人的生命如此短暂,为何不疯狂? 生命如此短暂,为何有的人却不好好的珍惜?