50个英语单词(小学)造句,表明是甚么单词. 例子——often:然后再造句 快快帮我造句

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 15:26:31
50个英语单词(小学)造句,表明是甚么单词. 例子——often:然后再造句 快快帮我造句

50个英语单词(小学)造句,表明是甚么单词. 例子——often:然后再造句 快快帮我造句
50个英语单词(小学)造句,表明是甚么单词. 例子——often:然后再造句 快快

50个英语单词(小学)造句,表明是甚么单词. 例子——often:然后再造句 快快帮我造句
经常——often:We often dance.
喜欢——like:I like dancing.
吃——eat:Eat some pies.
喝——drink:Drink some water.
傍晚——evening:In the evening, I like reading.
溜溜球——yo-yo:I can play with yo-yos.
书——book:There's a book.
钱——much:How much are they?
英语——English:This is an English book.
房子——house:I live in a new house.
厕所——toilet:Is there a toilet?
花园——garden:I have a garden.
桌子——table:The table is yellow.
黄色——yellow:Is it yellow?
乒乓——table tennis:I like playing table tennis.
阅览室——reading room:There is a reading room.
秋千——swing:There's a swing.
滑梯——slide:There's a slide.
学校——school:What's in your school?
建筑物——building:What's in the building?
书柜——bookcase:What's in the bookcase?
花——flowers:I like flowers.
树——tree:There's a tree.
主意——idea:Good idea.
蛋糕——cakes:There're some cakes.
葡萄——grapes:There're some grapes.
盘子——plate:There's a plate.
椅子——chair:There's a chair.
卧室——bedrooms:There are some bedrooms.
浴室——bathrooms:There are some bathrooms.
书房——study:There's a study.
厨房——kitchen:There's a kitchen.
餐厅——dining-room:There's a dining-room.
客厅——sitting-room:There's a sitting-room.
书桌——desk:There's a desk.
床——bed:There's a bed.
洋娃娃——dolls:There're some dolls.
图片——pictures:There're some pictures.
墙——wall:There're some pictures on the wall.
地图——map:There's a map.
世界——world:There's a map of the world.
电话——telephone:There's a telephone.
沙发——sofa:There's a sofa.
台灯——lamp:There's a lamp.
篮子——basket:What's in the basket?
门——door:What's behind the door?
老鼠——mouse:Where's the mouse?
猫——cat:Where's the cat?
狗——dog:Where's the dog?
兔子——rabbit:Where's the rabbit?