英语翻译Alfred Nobel,a man of peacethe newspaper reported the death of Alfred Nobel on April thirteen ,eighteen eighty –eight.The newspaper called him a person who traded in death ,because he had developed and sold explosives.In fact,Alfred Nob

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 14:20:04
英语翻译Alfred Nobel,a man of peacethe newspaper reported the death of Alfred Nobel on April thirteen ,eighteen eighty –eight.The newspaper called him a person who traded in death ,because he had developed and sold explosives.In fact,Alfred Nob

英语翻译Alfred Nobel,a man of peacethe newspaper reported the death of Alfred Nobel on April thirteen ,eighteen eighty –eight.The newspaper called him a person who traded in death ,because he had developed and sold explosives.In fact,Alfred Nob
Alfred Nobel,a man of peace
the newspaper reported the death of Alfred Nobel on April thirteen ,eighteen eighty –eight.The newspaper called him a person who traded in death ,because he had developed and sold explosives.In fact,Alfred Nobel’s business had made him a very rich man..the newspaper story continued,giving Alfred Nobel’s age ,nation,and other information about his business.However,the words about “trading in death” were all that the fifty-five-year –old man read
Alfred Nobel put down the newspaper sadly.No ,he wasn’t dead—his brother ludwing had died,and the French newspaper had made a mistake .all the same,Alfred Nobel was worried .was his the way the world was going to remember him?He did not like that idea at all.He had spent his life working for peace in the world ,and hated war,he created his explosive to save lives-lives that were lost because other explosives were dangerous to use.He wanted people to remember him as a man of peace
Alfred Nobel invented his explosive at a perfect moment in time.Many countries were beginning to build roads through mountains,and needed a safe,strong explosive.Alfred Nobel’s explosive was developed for such peaceful uses.He also thought that if all countries had the same great weapons,they would see how impossible war was –that any country fighting a war would surely be destroyed .there would be no more wars.Many people of his day also thought this way
Nobel was worried about the way the world looked at him,but he did not know what to do.He wanted to think of the best way for a journey to the North pole.Nobel read about the plan ,and at last he knew what to do with his money .he decided that after he died ,his money should be used for a prize to honor people who did great things in science ,writing ,and world peace .men or women of any country might receive the prize.
Alfred Nobel died on December ten ,eighteen ninety –six ,at the age of sixty-three .he was unmarried and had no children .people all over the world wondered who was going to get Nobel’s money .they were very surprised when they learned of Alfred Nobel’s plan to award prizes every year in the fields of physics ,chemistry ,medicine ,literature ,and peace .the first Nobel prizes were awarded in nineteen oh one ,and they very soon became the greatest honor that a person could receive in these fields .in nineteen sixty –nine ,an award for economics was added
The report of Alfred Nobel’s death had been a mistake,but the decision that he made as a result finally gave him what he wanted .Alfred Nobel created the Nobel prize ,and now the world thinks of him the way he wanted to be remembered:Alfred Nobel,a man of peace

英语翻译Alfred Nobel,a man of peacethe newspaper reported the death of Alfred Nobel on April thirteen ,eighteen eighty –eight.The newspaper called him a person who traded in death ,because he had developed and sold explosives.In fact,Alfred Nob
阿尔弗雷德 · 诺贝尔,一个和平的人该报纸报道 4 日阿尔弗雷德 · 诺贝尔的死亡 13 个、 18 个八十 –eight.报纸上把他叫做交易中死亡,因为他已经开发并出售爆炸物的人.事实上,阿尔弗雷德 · 诺贝尔的业务使他非常富有的人..报纸上的故事在继续,给阿尔弗雷德 · 诺贝尔年龄、 民族、 和他的业务有关的其他信息.然而,关于"死亡交易"字都是五十五年几百年以来人阅读阿尔弗雷德 · 诺贝尔可悲的是放下报纸.不,他不是死了 — — 他的弟弟 ludwing 已经去世,和法国报纸上犯了一个错误.同样的阿尔弗雷德 · 诺贝尔很担心.是他的方式世界去记得他吗?他根本不喜欢这种想法.他毕生致力于世界和平,讨厌战争,他创造了他炸药拯救生命生命,因为其他爆炸物危险使用丢失了.他想要让人记住了他作为一个男人的和平阿尔弗雷德 · 诺贝尔发明他炸药在完美时刻.许多国家都开始兴建道路通过山脉,并需要一种安全、 强烈爆炸物.阿尔弗雷德 · 诺贝尔炸药是为这种和平用途开发的.他还认为是否所有国家都有同样的伟大武器,他们会看到如何不可能战争了挪移任何国家的战斗一场战争就肯定会被毁灭.没有更多的战争.他一天很多人还以为这种方式诺贝尔是担心世界看了看他,但他不知道该怎么办.他要想的北极之旅的最佳方式.诺贝尔阅读对这一计划,他终于知道怎么用他的钱.他决定在他死后,他的钱应该用于奖以荣誉做伟大的事情,在科学、 写作和世界和平的人.男子或任何国家的妇女可能会收到奖品.阿尔弗雷德 · 诺贝尔于十二月十、 十八的九十 –,在年龄的六十三个疼爱的六是未婚和没有孩子死了.世界各地的人们想知道谁会拿诺贝尔的钱.当他们得知阿尔弗雷德 · 诺贝尔计划颁发奖品每年领域的物理、 化学、 医学、 文学、 和和平的他们都非常惊讶.在十九岁那年颁了奖的第一位诺贝尔哦之一,和他们很很快成为了一个人可获得在这些字段中的最高荣誉.在十九岁六十 –nine,经济学奖已添加阿尔弗雷德 · 诺贝尔死亡的报告了一个错误,但结果是他所做出的决定最后给了他他想要什么.阿尔弗雷德 · 诺贝尔创建了诺贝尔奖,和现在全世界都以为他想要记住的方式是:阿尔弗雷德 · 诺贝尔,一个和平的人

英语翻译Alfred Nobel---a man of contrasts alfred nobel怎么读 Alfred Nobel为何意? 英语翻译Alfred Nobel,a man of peacethe newspaper reported the death of Alfred Nobel on April thirteen ,eighteen eighty –eight.The newspaper called him a person who traded in death ,because he had developed and sold explosives.In fact,Alfred Nob (翻译一下:)让我们永远记住Alfred Nobel! which of following statements about the Nobel Prize is not true?A.the Nobel Prize award ceremony is held on 10 December,the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s birthB.the Nobel Prize for Economics was started by the Bank of SwedenC.the Nobel Peace Prize 英语阅读,帮个忙Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist who lived from 1833 to 1896.Alfred and his brother made explosives,but in 1864 there was an accident in the laboratory and Alfred's brother was killed.Alfred then decided to spend his life tryi 1.Alfred Nobel_____died at birth,is remembered and respected long after his death because of the Nobel Prize. A.who felt he should B.who felt he should Alfred Most of us know about the Nobel Prize, especially the Nobel Peace Prize, but few of us know anything about the man who set them up. His name was Alfred Nobel. He was a great scientist and inventor himself. Besides, he had a big business. His business 英语翻译刚看BOAT,介绍说this is a borzoi book published by alfred a.knopf.不太明白borzoi put 语法填空during his useful life he often felt he was useless.Alfred Nobel ,he once wrote to himself,ought to (put)to death by a kind doctor as soon as ,with a cry ,he entered life.为什么不能用be put 涉及到什么知识? 英语翻译The love Song Of J.Alfred Prufrock的翻译 alfred nobel _____ died at birth,is remenbered and respected long after his death because of the nobel prizeA.who felt he shouldB.who felt he hadC.who felt he should have Never again______political office after his 1928 defeat for the presidency.A.Alfred E.Smith seriously soughtB.Seriously Alfred E.Smith soughtC.When did Alfred E.Smith seriously seekD.Did Alfred E.Smith seriously seek这句话意思是什么 Alfred Bernhard 28.Which Nobel Prize was awarded to Winston Churchill in 1953?A.The Nobel Prize for Peace B.The Nobel Prize for Economics C.The Nobel Prize for Literature D.The Nobel Prize for Medicine 英语翻译1.The food doesn't taste well.2.He spent half a year on writing a short story.3.While we play tennis,what is the rest going to do?4.The following year,King accepted the Nobel Prize for Peace.5.Hehas got married for 20 years.5.He has got m