是in my mind 还是on my mind?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 05:46:22
是in my mind 还是on my mind?

是in my mind 还是on my mind?
是in my mind 还是on my mind?

是in my mind 还是on my mind?
in my mind
on my mind

on one's mind表示现在正在想的,比如,There's something on my mind.即,我现在心里有点事。
in one's mind有两种意思
一,“在我看来”:In my mind he is only a clown. 在我看来他不过是个小丑。
二,“在我心里”:You will always be in my mind. 你永远在我心里...


on one's mind表示现在正在想的,比如,There's something on my mind.即,我现在心里有点事。
in one's mind有两种意思
一,“在我看来”:In my mind he is only a clown. 在我看来他不过是个小丑。
二,“在我心里”:You will always be in my mind. 你永远在我心里。


be in one's right mind => right1. be in two `minds about sth/doing sth feel doubtful about or hesitate over sth 对某事物三心二意或犹豫不决: I was in two minds about leaving London: my friends were th...


be in one's right mind => right1. be in two `minds about sth/doing sth feel doubtful about or hesitate over sth 对某事物三心二意或犹豫不决: I was in two minds about leaving London: my friends were there, but the job abroad was a good one. 我对是否离开伦敦一事拿不定主意; 伦敦有我的朋友, 但是国外那份工作非常好. be/take a load/weight off sb's mind cause one/sb great relief 使自己[某人]如释重负: Paying my mortgage was an enormous weight off my mind! 我还了抵押借款, 如释重负! be of one `mind (about sb/sth) agree or have the same opinion (about sb/sth) (对某人[某事物])意见一致, 有同样看法. be on one's `mind; have sth on one's `mind (cause sb to) worry about sth (使某人)为某事物担忧: My deputy has resigned, so I've got a lot on my mind just now. 我的副手辞职了, 所以现在有许多事要我操心. be ,out of one's `mind (infml 口) be crazy or mad 发狂; 发疯: You must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to lend you 50! 你以为我会借给你50英镑, 你准是疯了! bear in mind that... => bear2. bear/keep sb/sth in `mind


in my mind
