
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 08:29:39


The idea of a book of world records was conceived by Sir Hugh Beaver,who managed the Guinness beer brewery.Beaver came up with the idea for the book while playing a pub game,and realized that there were surely trivia nights in pubs and bars all over the world that needed a source to verify information easily.The first edition was published in 1954 and sold thousands of copies in Britain and the United States.
Some of the records for the best,most,largest and longest predate the 1954 first edition of the Guinness World Records.Take for instance,the longest beard was recorded in 1927 in a Norweigan man,Hans Langseth of Norway.The total length of the beard was 17 1/2 feet.There are no contenders currently for this record at the moment,as the longest beard on a living person at the moment is 6 feet.

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