
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 17:28:47


The issues occured in teaching and management,but not involved in the agreement,will be solved by two sides on the spirit of mutual understanding and friendly cooperation.This agreement would be modified on the two parties' writed consents,and any change about the terms of the agreement must be approved by the two sides.

The issues that have not been involved in the agreement but ocuured in the teaching and management should be solved through consultation on the basis of the spirit of mutual understanding and friendly...


The issues that have not been involved in the agreement but ocuured in the teaching and management should be solved through consultation on the basis of the spirit of mutual understanding and friendly cooperation. This agreement may be modified under the written agreement of both sides, and any modification on the agreement items must be carried out under the agreement of both sides.


Negotiate medium the problem involved but appeared in the teaching and the management be be in the light of by both parties to comprehend mutually and the spirit consultation of friendly cooperation r...


Negotiate medium the problem involved but appeared in the teaching and the management be be in the light of by both parties to comprehend mutually and the spirit consultation of friendly cooperation resolve.This agreement can pass both parties a written pproval a modification and negotiate item of any modification have to consistently agree by both parties


英语翻译协议中未涉及但在教学和管理中出现的问题,由双方本着相互理解、友好合作的精神协商解决.本协议可以通过双方书面同意修改,协议条款的任何修改必须经双方一致同意 英语翻译很长一个时期以来,采购管理并没得到足够的重视.在企业界和管理学界,人们谈论最多的是市场营销管理,在以往的管理学文献中,涉及采购管理内容的很少.因此,本论文初步涉及采购管 Replacement 在合同管理中出现的. 英语翻译IE方法在高职教学质量管理中的应用摘要:本文以工业工程的基本思想与原则用于高职院校教学管理中,对教学资源实现柔性化管理,运用信息技术改进教学质量管理,使教学管理工作 大脑规则作业,在日常生活中如何对情绪进行管理?在学习和教学中如何运用情绪规律? 英语翻译就目前蓝牙技术的现状及发展作一探讨并对蓝牙协议体系中的基带数据传输机理进行分析,叙述了蓝牙无线链接在封频,基带协议,链管理协议(LMP)中采用的可靠性措施,以及蓝牙技术 英语翻译就目前蓝牙技术的现状及发展作一探讨并对蓝牙协议体系中的基带数据传输机理进行分析,叙述了蓝牙无线链接在封频,基带协议,链管理协议(LMP)中采用的可靠性措施,以及蓝牙技术 在管理过程中出现的沟通困难 《学记》中所涉及的教育教学原则 细菌进入血流,但未在血液中生长繁殖,也不出现中毒症状,称为什么症 英语翻译探究式教学是小学数学教学中一种较好和较为有效的教学方式.但在现实小学数学探究式教学课堂中却存在着学生欠缺浓厚的探究欲望、没有正确地运用探究类型和缺乏灵活变通的探 合同协议中出现“甲方,乙方”英文怎么说? 对试管A中的浓硫酸和铜进行加热,发现E试管中有气泡逸出,品红溶液很快褪色,但最终未见D试管中氢氧化钡溶液出现浑浊.探究D试管中未出现浑浊的原因,该小组同学在化学手册中只查阅到下列 初中英语词汇教学在教学中出现问题后,尝试了用哪些方法 在e-prime编程中出现未注册类别是什么意思 英语翻译未达成协议之前,不同意离婚 对外汉语初级教学中“在”和“再”区别怎么讲?对外汉语教学中的词汇教学 初中函数教学中出现的误区