
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 14:27:33

本文通过对不同烟熏材料熏制的湘西腊肉的理化指标、亚硝含量、苯并芘(a)残留量的进行测定,比较不同烟熏材料熏制腊肉其理化指标和风味物质成分并进行感官物质评价分析,为湘西腊肉的制作加工提供有效依据.结果表明:这六种不同烟熏材料熏制的腊肉的水分含量控制在25%-28%、盐分含量在7%-8%、PH值在5.9-6.0、亚硝含量3 mg - 4 mg、苯并(a)芘残留量2μg -2.5μg为最佳范围;通过对挥发性风味物质的定性分析,测得用不同烟熏材料熏制的腊肉共有的风味物质酚类6种、醇类4种、酮类2种、羰基化合物6种、碳氢化合物4种.本实验取得一定进展的同时也存在着腊肉的风味物质来源不明确的问题,有待进一步探究.

This study was based on the physical and chemical indicators,nitrite content and benzopyrene residues of Xiangxi bacons which were smoked by different materials to compare different smoked bacons' flavor compositions and evaluated by sensory,in order to provide efficient evidence for Xiangxi bacon's processing.
The results showed that:the bacon was in optimum quality when moisture content was 25%-28%,salt content was 7%-8%,pH value was 5.9-6.0,nitrite content was 3 mg- 4 mg,benzene and(a) pyrene residues were 2μg-2.5μg.
After qualitative analysing the volatile flavor compounds of Xiangxi bacon,we concluded that smoked by different materials,Xiangxi bacons had the following common flavor componds.There were six kinds of phenols,four kinds of alcohols,2 kinds of ketones,six kinds of carbonyl compounds and four kinds of hydrocarbons.
This experiment had made some progress on determine flavor compounds while the sources of flavor componds were still unknown which aquired further reaserch.
娘啊 好辛苦

手翻的,看到是糕点师,其实是特别喜欢糕点师的职业。梦想也是做糕点师。所以,一定要帮。负责一点,还是手翻吧。 不过可能我的表达还不够地道。
1、I think this is a job that will bring happiness to people.No matter the people who taste the pastry or who bake them.Customer...


手翻的,看到是糕点师,其实是特别喜欢糕点师的职业。梦想也是做糕点师。所以,一定要帮。负责一点,还是手翻吧。 不过可能我的表达还不够地道。
1、I think this is a job that will bring happiness to people.No matter the people who taste the pastry or who bake them.Customers will be joyful when have these tasty pastry, as for Pastry makers ,they will complaced at what they make can bring happiness to other people. As for me ,I like the cute way that these pastries be showed on in the glass case,I hope they can merry others when display.
2、Professional technique and kownoledges are necessary for this job,and the health.All these requriments are the basic of baking the healthy food .The most important thing is that ,I love this job,and I am willing to dedicate all my time and passion.
My plan is to go a Cuisine Techniques School to study further technique and kownoledge.As I kown this is just the first step to be a pastry maker,so I often read the majar books on pastry making,and follow on the weibos on pastry making .I have a firend who like pastry making very much.We plan to run A cake shop together.I believe I can be a pastry maker when I graduate by preparing from now on.
The most important is that I love It,I can get happiness and content from this job.I love delicacy,and I am very attentive considerate,I think Ican handle this job ,and wil be a great Pastry maker.


英语翻译本文通过对不同烟熏材料熏制的湘西腊肉的理化指标、亚硝含量、苯并芘(a)残留量的进行测定,比较不同烟熏材料熏制腊肉其理化指标和风味物质成分并进行感官物质评价分析,为 培根和腊肉有什么不同?腊肉也有烟熏的啊,比如湘西腊肉? 英语翻译企业文化文化建设的有效途径分析摘 要:本文通过对企业文化建设不同时期包括(初期、成长、成熟)的不同的作用表现,从而引出企业文化的重要性,以及对企业建设的途径研究提 英语翻译本文通过对中国玉器的发展、见解及其价值等作出阐述. 跪求硫磺熏制木材的工艺流程对木材的干湿度有何要求?熏制的时间等等. 英语翻译伴随着国际交流在各个方面的不断深入,文化差异对国际交流的影响也越发突显.本文通过讨论在不同的文化环境下,国际商务活动呈现出来的差异,来分析文化差异在商务谈判、管理风 英语翻译本文分别以P3HT和PCBM为电子给体和受体材料以氯苯为溶剂,制备了不同混合比例及不同膜厚的ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PCBM/Al器件,并通过改变抽真空干燥的时间、真空度大小及利用不同溶剂蒸汽 英语翻译摘要:本文以野玫瑰花瓣为实验材料,通过对浸提剂种类、浸提剂浓度、浸提温度、浸提时间、料液比这几个因子的单因素实验,同时,通过对野玫瑰花花朵原料和浸提次数的选择,得到 烟熏食品的做法我看到商店里卖时熏制食品很好吃,请高人指教.就是熏得猪肚,肥肠,鹌鹑蛋,豆腐皮之类的食品,听说是要用糖,茶叶什么的把锅烧热,让其冒烟,熏制.但不知方法和比例等等,.果木 英语翻译本文主要是通过小麦离体叶段来鉴定不同种类和浓度的保绿剂在不同温度时,对小麦叶段保绿效果的影响.通过研究得到的最适宜的鉴定方法和培养条件是:将完好无损的二叶一心的 英语翻译本文主要讨论了违约责任中的过错归责原则,通过对大陆法系及英美法系关于过错归责原则的归定,及对于两大法系关于过错归责原则不同规定的法理分析,通过一些国外及不同法系间, 英语翻译本文通过对市场中蜀锦及传统工艺类书籍现状的调查与分析,发现这类书籍在形态设计、材料运用及视觉元素设计等方面存在一定的单一性,缺乏对传统文化的展现与传承,提出对蜀锦 英语翻译本文重点研究总结了漆器工艺的主要工艺材料、工艺技法,并通过比较,提出了各个工艺之间的主要不同点,阐明了不同工艺的主要手法、用途等,为漆艺在现代家具中的应用提供理论依 英语翻译本文通过人工模拟对黔中喀斯特白云岩地区土壤的水分入渗进行研究,分析土壤中5种不同的碎石含量(0%,20%,40% ,60%,80%)及3种不同直径(2~3mm,5mm,10 mm)的碎石对土壤渗透性的影响,研究结 湘西的水 湘西的水 英语翻译本文通过对我国电子商务发展模式的分析,讨论电子商务对我国传统贸易模式创新的影响及未来外国国际贸易的发展方向. 摘 要:本文对虎皮兰天然色素的提取方法及稳定性进行研究.通过不同溶剂提取效果比较,确定乙醇为最佳提取