orthogonal polynomial是什么意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 22:25:58
orthogonal polynomial是什么意思

orthogonal polynomial是什么意思
orthogonal polynomial是什么意思

orthogonal polynomial是什么意思
orthogonal polynomial
[数] 正交多项式
网络释义 专业释义
orthogonal polynomial expansion 正交多项式展开
generating orthogonal polynomial 正交生成多项式
discrete orthogonal polynomial 离散正交多项武

orthogonal orthogonal orthogonal polynomial是什么意思 orthogonal matrix是什么意思 orthogonal matrices是什么意思 orthogonal matrices是什么意思 what is the origin of orthogonal discomposition? Principle of Producing Wideband Orthogonal Signal 16-ary quasi-orthogonal modulation 16元准正交调制? c++ 多项式 Polynomial#include using namespace std;struct Polynomial {int degree;int *coeffs; // array of coefficients from // lowest degree to highest degree};// reads the coefficients of a polynomial from standard input and // creates a polynomia For linear algebra:请问要如何判定orthogonal subspace?For a example:Two walls look perpendicular but they are not orthogonal subspaces?How can I think and prove it is true forever? ANOVA 中contrast coding指的是什么?orthogonal contrast weights又是指什么?都有什么意义啊ANOVA 中contrast coding指的是什么?orthogonal contrast weights又是指什么?都有什么意义啊 英语翻译翻译Experimental contribution to the study of the Ti6Al4V chip formation in orthogonal cutting on a milling machine 英语翻译Many of these security features canbe found in other browsers and are orthogonal to thedesign of Chromium’s architecture.这句话里orthogonal本意是正交的意思,在这个context里应该作何理解?到底是相关还是不相关 英语翻译This article demonstrates theoretically and empirically that a greedy algorithm called Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) can reliably recover a signal with m nonzero entries in dimension d given O(mln d) random linear measurements of that 英语翻译MC-CDMA inherits the interference rejection capability of CDMA,and the potential of mitigating multipath propagation effects of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM).MC-CDMA with its frequency diversity is an attractive modulat 英语翻译The term isometry has an advantage in that it can be used to treat the real and complex cases simultaneously,but for clarity we will often revert back to the more cumbersome orthogonal and unitary terminology.参考译文:等距 英语翻译Bio-orthogonal chemical reactions between two exogenousmoieties in living beings are sought after tools that havepowerful applications in chemical biology,molecular imaging,and medicine.[1–4] The exquisite selectivity of these reactions