SAT写作的素材例子,1.can a group of people fuction effectively without someone being in charge?2.Are decisions made quickly just as good as decisions made slowly and carefully?3.Is compromise always the best way to reslove a conflict?4.Do books

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 07:17:24
SAT写作的素材例子,1.can a group of people fuction effectively without someone being in charge?2.Are decisions made quickly just as good as decisions made slowly and carefully?3.Is compromise always the best way to reslove a conflict?4.Do books

SAT写作的素材例子,1.can a group of people fuction effectively without someone being in charge?2.Are decisions made quickly just as good as decisions made slowly and carefully?3.Is compromise always the best way to reslove a conflict?4.Do books
1.can a group of people fuction effectively without someone being in charge?
2.Are decisions made quickly just as good as decisions made slowly and carefully?
3.Is compromise always the best way to reslove a conflict?
4.Do books,newspapers,and other media focus too much on bad news?
5.Is it better for people to know everything they can about sth before taking action,or should they act first and get more information later?
6.Is using humor the best way to approach difficult situations and problems?
7.Has today's abundance of information only made it more difficult for us to understand the world around us?
8.Should school help students understand moral chioces and social issues?
9.Do news papers magazines,TV,radio,movies,the internet,and other media dertermine what is important to most people?

SAT写作的素材例子,1.can a group of people fuction effectively without someone being in charge?2.Are decisions made quickly just as good as decisions made slowly and carefully?3.Is compromise always the best way to reslove a conflict?4.Do books
1 Leadership题 建议准备例子
2 我以为这个题随便个例子都能说 比如乔布斯辍学你可以说是quick decision..如果他决定慢了就花更多钱什么的.. 因为很多例子里根本没提decision用了多久 随便操作
3 挑战权威
4 我觉得这个题不是亚洲区的 只能随便套个文学体载的例子了
5 跟2差不多
7/9 多媒体(科技)题 这个如果没当科技准备了的话也放弃算了 不是亚洲的
8 完全没见过

SAT写作的素材例子,1.can a group of people fuction effectively without someone being in charge?2.Are decisions made quickly just as good as decisions made slowly and carefully?3.Is compromise always the best way to reslove a conflict?4.Do books 求一篇关于麦道夫的sat写作素材, SAT 作文素材关于外表与内心的例子, 如何积累SAT的essay素材?就是积累那种例子 求本sat写作的素材书,真心觉得找素材很难啊, 求新东方于浩洋的SAT写作例子讲义或素材(成功后再追加分)如果有的话再追加30 SAT写作例子如何准备? SAT写作例子如何准备? 有关于茶的写作例子,故事素材什么的吗! SAT的作文素材 求SAT作文关于creativity的素材、例子!急求SAT的creativity leads to success 的例子. sat作文素材的问题,我下个月就要考sat了,我到现在还没有写作的准备,我想问一下怎样在最快的时间里找到万能的作文素材?应该要找哪种素材才好?有同学在知道里回答说要6,7个例子准备就可 SAT写作素材 我自己收藏的一些素材太繁琐了 因为5.7号就要考了 各位高人可不可以给我些比较万能的例子呢?大致介绍一下人物的事迹 可以用于写作啊~急 希望可以多举几个~ 如何挖掘作文素材——SAT写作 哪里有SAT作文例子素材或是范文? 作文:于无声处谁给一些好的材料、例子~作文写作素材~ 写人作文的写作素材一定是写作素材! 一些要面子的写作素材