bring 还是 fetchWhen you go to the kitchen,please (fetch) (bring) me a glass of water?应该选哪个?请详细说明理由,when you go to the kitchen,是否已在厨房,还是打算去厨房?不同的理解,就要选不同了?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 16:27:00
bring 还是 fetchWhen you go to the kitchen,please (fetch) (bring) me a glass of water?应该选哪个?请详细说明理由,when you go to the kitchen,是否已在厨房,还是打算去厨房?不同的理解,就要选不同了?

bring 还是 fetchWhen you go to the kitchen,please (fetch) (bring) me a glass of water?应该选哪个?请详细说明理由,when you go to the kitchen,是否已在厨房,还是打算去厨房?不同的理解,就要选不同了?
bring 还是 fetch
When you go to the kitchen,please (fetch) (bring) me a glass of water?应该选哪个?请详细说明理由,
when you go to the kitchen,是否已在厨房,还是打算去厨房?不同的理解,就要选不同了?

bring 还是 fetchWhen you go to the kitchen,please (fetch) (bring) me a glass of water?应该选哪个?请详细说明理由,when you go to the kitchen,是否已在厨房,还是打算去厨房?不同的理解,就要选不同了?

bring [简明英汉词典]
vt.拿来, 带来, 产生, 引起, 提出(诉讼)
fetch [简明英汉词典]
vt.接来, 取来, 带来, 售得, 引出, 吸引, 到达, 演绎出
vi.取物, 绕道而行n.取得, 拿, 诡计, 魂



Main Entry: bring
Pronunciation: 'bri[ng]
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): brought /'brot/; bring·ing /'bri[ng]-i[ng]/
transitive senses
1 a : to convey, lead, carry, or cause ...


Main Entry: bring
Pronunciation: 'bri[ng]
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): brought /'brot/; bring·ing /'bri[ng]-i[ng]/
transitive senses
1 a : to convey, lead, carry, or cause to come along with one toward the place from which the action is being regarded b : to cause to be, act, or move in a special way: as (1) : ATTRACT (2) : PERSUADE, INDUCE (3) : FORCE, COMPEL (4) : to cause to come into a particular state or condition c dialect : ESCORT, ACCOMPANY
2 : to cause to exist or occur: as a : to be the occasion of b : to result in c : INSTITUTE d : ADDUCE
4 : to procure in exchange : sell for
intransitive senses, chiefly Midland : YIELD, PRODUCE
- bring·er noun
- bring forth 1 : BEAR 2 : to give birth to : PRODUCE 3 : ADDUCE
- bring forward 1 : to produce to view : INTRODUCE 2 : to carry (a total) forward
- bring home : to make unmistakably clear
- bring to account 1 : to bring to book 2 : REPRIMAND
- bring to bear : to use with effect
- bring to book : to compel to give an account
- bring to light : DISCLOSE, REVEAL
- bring to mind : RECALL
- bring to terms : to compel to agree, assent, or submit
- bring up the rear : to come last or behind
Main Entry: fetch
Pronunciation: 'fech
Function: verb
transitive senses
1 a : to go or come after and bring or take back b : DERIVE, DEDUCE
2 a : to cause to come b : to bring in (as a price) : REALIZE c : INTEREST, ATTRACT
3 a : to give (a blow) by striking : DEAL b chiefly dialect : BRING ABOUT, ACCOMPLISH c (1) : to take in (as a breath) : DRAW (2) : to bring forth (as a sound) : HEAVE
4 a : to reach by sailing especially against the wind or tide b : to arrive at : REACH
intransitive senses
1 : to get and bring something; specifically : to retrieve killed game
2 : to take a roundabout way : CIRCLE
3 a : to hold a course on a body of water b : VEER
- fetch·er noun
also can be used as a noun with different meanings...

