
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 08:34:23


If I am Harry and Potter,I want the incantation by laying down their arms to let all weapons disappear from the earth,there is not a war again,people that not so injured as the innocent again.I will root out all bloody and violence with the magic,evil and ugly,contradiction and conflict,let the dove of peace hover freely.Let truth,good and beauty grow freely.

If I am the Harley baud, I must use to disarm the incantation to letall weapons vanish from the Earth, again also does not have the war,again also does not have the people which innocently suffers inj...


If I am the Harley baud, I must use to disarm the incantation to letall weapons vanish from the Earth, again also does not have the war,again also does not have the people which innocently suffers injury. Imust use the black magic to eradicate all rank smell of blood and theviolence, evil and is ugly, the contradiction and the conflict, letsthe peace dove freely soar. Let the true, the good and the beautiful freely grow.


If I am the Harley Potter, I must use to disarm the incantation to letall weapons vanish from the Earth, again also does not have the war,again also does not have the people which innocently suffers i...


If I am the Harley Potter, I must use to disarm the incantation to letall weapons vanish from the Earth, again also does not have the war,again also does not have the people which innocently suffers injury. Imust use the black magic to eradicate all rank smell of blood and theviolence, evil and is ugly, the contradiction and the conflict, letsthe peace dove freely soar. Let the true, the good and the beautiful freely grow.


英语翻译假如我是哈利波特,我要用缴械咒让所有武器从地球上消失,再也没有战争,再也没有无辜受害的人们.我要用魔法铲除一切血腥与暴力,邪恶与丑陋,矛盾与冲突,让和平鸽自由地飞翔.让 英语翻译假如我是哈利波特,我要做的第一件事就是用那支魔杖来改变地球的环境,锜着飞天扫帚飞向大漠和戈壁,让那里鸟语花香,绿树成荫,水清天蓝,千里沃野,生机勃勃;用魔法师使山峦,河 哈利波特咒语读音谁能告诉我缴械咒、索命咒、火焰熊熊咒的咒语英文读音,用汉字里读音相同的写出来.还有粉碎咒的也说一下. 哈利波特里面咒语读音谁能告诉我缴械咒、索命咒、火焰熊熊咒、粉碎咒的咒语英文读音,英文分别是Expelliarmus,Avada kedavar ,Incendio,Reducto,用汉字里读音相同表示. 英语翻译我是XXX 今天要跟大家讲的是哈利波特与密室第三章节我看过几部哈利波特的电影,实在对他不大感兴趣 虽然说的是魔法 但每次到最后 哈利波特VS伏地魔 都是各拿一根魔法棒在那拼 用一句话概括哈利波特 英语翻译亲爱的Daniel Emma Rupert:你们好,祝你们圣诞节快乐!我是来自中国的以为哈利波特迷.我一直以来就很支持哈利波特这部电影,剧照你们分别演的哈利波特聪明勇敢,赫敏美丽机智,荣恩幽 英语翻译假如我是哈利波特,所有善良的人都不会再忧郁,不再有残疾,不再有寒冷,不再有黑暗,只有健康,美丽,光明和温暖.幼有所爱,老有所养.让和谐,友谊,幸福,快乐和美满永驻人间. 假如我有一把哈利波特的飞行扫帚我会骑上它飞到 (哪儿) (干什么) 跪求《哈利波特与火焰杯》观后感,我是个初1的学生!请以6年级的水平来写给我!要600字的! 读《哈利波特与魔法石》有感要很深奥的那种,比如:对抗恶势力的勇气让我怎么怎么样之类的哦! 求哈利波特所有魔咒英文 《哈利波特》中的经典语录,要小说中的 用英文介绍哈利波特如 哈利波特用英语怎么拼写 英语翻译亲爱的James phelps和Oliver phelps:你们好好高兴你可以看到我给你的信,首先自我介绍一下吧,我是中国人,叫Ailin,今年15岁.自从看了《哈利波特》就对你们印象深刻,美好的你们让大家带 《哈利波特与魔法石内容简介中文的,只要是《哈利波特与魔法石》就可以了.急用.不好意思,要改改.我要哈利波特全部内容的概括.分开的.900字以内,超过不可以 英语翻译开头结尾那些寒暄我自己会解决,今天我要和大家分享我最喜欢的电影《哈利波特》系列,《哈利波特与死亡圣器》(上)将会在今年11月份上映.影片讲述了哈利在十七岁生日后,在凤