
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 20:17:44


shopping? it is really hard for me, why I don't like go shopping is that firstly, it takes my lots of time, which is very rare for me; secondly, it costs my lots of money, for which I am really a tight man, with less income, you know I am not a rich guy; thirdly, it is very hard job for me, for which I have to walk along the shopping mall long and long, makes me very tired, I am a lazy guy; the forth, I don't like to meet many people and breath the unfreshed air, it makes me awful.

Why Do Men Hate Shopping?
The crowded malls, the indecisiveness of what to buy, the fear of being suckered into buying something you don't want — these are just some of the reasons why men aren't ...


Why Do Men Hate Shopping?
The crowded malls, the indecisiveness of what to buy, the fear of being suckered into buying something you don't want — these are just some of the reasons why men aren't too keen on shopping.
For ages, women have been the ones that called each other up and made dates with one another to spend the entire day shopping for clothes, purses, accessories, and lest we forget their favorite: shoes.
Guys, on the other hand, groan at the idea of having to head to the mall, especially with their women. They abhor the idea of trying on clothes, wandering around aimlessly, then carrying a busload of bags to the car, most of which don't belong to them anyway.
it's all relative
Single guys, however, are becoming more and more keen on spending Saturdays at the mall because they're picking up on a little known secret. Perhaps they enjoy trying on all the different textures of material offered, and those colors — oh, those rich colors... yeah, right.
Guys have finally picked up on the fact that if that's where the women are at, then hey, maybe — they — can — meet — a — woman — there. What a novel idea. But keep in mind that these guys are shopping, yes, just not for clothes.
How many times have I seen guys walking around by themselves in the woman's section of a store? Some would call them pervs or cross-dressers, but the truth is that most of them are looking to hook up with a size 5.
back to the dirty deed
Nevertheless, it's no surprise that men usually take no more than one hour to refresh their entire wardrobe. They simply point at what they want, ask for a certain size and hand over their credit cards. Every saleswoman's dream.
Why is it so easy for them? Well, guys go shopping with the intent of purchasing specific items whereas women will usually roam around until something catches their eye — yes, I'm still talking about clothes.
Shopping doesn't have to entail a sweaty bargain hunt for certain items of clothing, rather guys are simple-minded when it comes to clothes, especially if the saleswoman is beautiful and utters the words, "That sweater looks great on you, will that be cash or credit?"
shopping for you
Sometimes, guys love to shop with women, especially good friends, because they furnish an honesty that salespeople never do (see above). As well, these particular babes can pick out something from about a mile away and know that it will suit you.
It's even fun to try on different clothes and hear what she has to say about the V-neck top and those khaki shorts. Come on, every guy likes to think that he's model material, and what's better than having a woman sit outside the changing room and await you? That's what I thought.
How fun is shopping with your hot babe friend?
shopping with her
Although it has the potential of being loads of fun, shopping with women ends up becoming a horrible drag that leaves guys feeling ghastly and vowing, "I'm never going shopping with her again."
If she's a size 2 and is trying all kinds of itsy-bitsy teeny-weenies, then that's quite a reward in itself. Get yourself a bag of buttery popcorn and give her scores from 1 to 10 as she models each outfit. What could be better?
Well, after about the third hour, you begin feeling somewhat dazed and confused, and start wondering what possessed you to even fathom that you could last as long as her. That's when you begin whining and complaining that you want to leave.
strategic shopping
Apparently, professionals have taken time out to set up stores for men and women in strategic ways, so that guys are encouraged to look around and buy clothes for themselves. How, you ask? Well, more often than not, men's clothing can usually be found on the right-hand side of the store because people (men and women) typically look towards the right upon entering.
As well, if it's a front-to-back setup, guys' items will always be found in the front (or on the main floor if there's more than one) because women have no problem venturing through men's clothing to get to their own, but guys usually will not make the effort.
The next time you're out shopping or cruising for babes at your new pickup joint (commonly referred to as "the mall"), keep an eye out for this. You'll begin noticing how stores cater to men in different ways to encourage that your money goes their way as well.
are you crazy?
The worst thing imaginable, besides having to shop for yourself, is having to shop for her. And if you made the awful mistake of choosing to buy her clothes, then good luck with all that. If you mess up and buy her a size that's too big, she'll be insulted. And if you buy her a size that's too small, then she'll think you want her to lose weight.
The great part is that you can sometimes get the saleswoman to try on certain clothes. Mmm. But realistically, if you can weasel your way out of buying her clothes for any occasion, do so. Unless of course, she tells you exactly what she wants in what size and where you can find it.
Otherwise, I recommend that you invest in gift certificates because that way she can take you shopping, so you can watch her try on four hundred items before deciding on one. Yay, what fun, back to square one.


请用英文解释为什么你不喜欢购物的原因(100字左右) 请帮我写2篇英语作文,在150字左右就可以了SHOPPING1.列举出人们购物的主要场所;2. 描述你所喜欢(或不喜欢)的购物场所,并解释原因.There are different ways of travel1. 各式各样的旅游方式出现.2. 问2个雅思口语题目,请用英文打出来.感激不尽啊!1,说一个你最近看过但不喜欢的节目,你要说是什么节目,什么类型的节目,为什么不喜欢2,口语第一部分的,你认为人们在双休日工作要加工资吗? 她不喜欢购物和看电影 英文 网上购物的好处和坏处.请分别用英文和中文表达出来网上购物的好处和坏处.请分别用英文和中文表达出来 时间紧迫,请多多耽误你的时间. 我的爸爸不喜欢购物.用英语怎么说 用购物篮的英文 原来你不喜欢我用英文怎么说 为什么我不喜欢解释! 求爱情专家解释.不喜欢你吻我,不喜欢你抽烟,不喜欢你和很多女的1起玩,不喜欢你说话的语气.我是否喜欢那个人! 用英语说,为什么不喜欢现在的工作用英语解释下“为什么不喜欢现在的工作? 小小不喜欢购物.用英语怎样说 网上购物为越来越多的人所接受,请你结合实际,用英文写一篇大约100字的短文谈谈你对网上购物的看法……请不要出现太生僻的单词, 我讨厌你不喜欢我的英文.我讨厌你不喜欢我的英文是什么? 你约你的朋友一起去购物 用英文怎么表达 禁止使用免费塑料购物袋的原因有哪些(用英文说出有哪些原因)谢谢 男生喜欢或不喜欢学英语的原因用英文回答 “我想和你一起去购物”的英语解释