
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 20:19:14


Tired of living someone else g dream? Well, maybe it's time to get out of the "family business." .
We all know that hand-me-downs are often comfortable and easy to put on, but we are rarely happy in something a jacket or ajob-that we didn't choose. If you feel trapped or disappointed in yourcurrent career or job, or if you let your family's wishes, rather than yourown natural talents, interests, and passions, guide your ultimate careerchoice, you are living someone else's dream. These "hand-me-downdreams" influence every aspect of our lives, including our work and howwe do it. In Hand-Me-Down Dreams, Mary H. Jacobsen's insightful wisdom,culled from her experience as a psychotherapist and career counselor andfrom her own personal life, illuminates the problems you'll encounterwhen trying to change this family dynamic. In reading this book and par-ticipating in its exercises, you'll be armed with the knowledge you'll needto find the motivation and the courage to fulfill your own dreams andattain success on your terms. ...

你要写resumee 自己的履历去应聘? 还是要自己做职业规划? 自己职业规划一般直接翻译就是career planning. 如果写career planning 的话需要结合你自己的背景和能力,比如教育,经历等, 因而别人写可能很难.
[Your Name]
[Mobile No]
[Email Addres...


你要写resumee 自己的履历去应聘? 还是要自己做职业规划? 自己职业规划一般直接翻译就是career planning. 如果写career planning 的话需要结合你自己的背景和能力,比如教育,经历等, 因而别人写可能很难.
[Your Name]
[Mobile No]
[Email Address]
[Mr/Ms/Dr. Name of recruiter]
Dear (write each letter to a specific person and try to avoid “Dear Sir/Madam”)
APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ____ (specify) _____
The opening paragraph should state the position you are applying for and how you knew about the vacancy.
The middle paragraph(s) should summarize the aspects of your background that will interest the employer. Explain how your abilities, background and qualifications will enable you to contribute to the organisation. This demonstrates that you have done some research about the employer’s organisation and its requirements.
Explain why the position is attractive to you and describe how your specific skills, strengths or personal attributes are relevant to the position.
The closing paragraph should pave the way for the interview. Reiterate your interest and ask for an interview at the employer’s convenience. You should leave a contact number or email for them to call you up for your interview. Thank the employer for his/her time and consideration.
Yours sincerely
Your signature
Your name
Enclosure (your resume)


职业规划(英文)大家谁能帮我写一份英文的职业规划,不用十分长.关于国际贸易方面与市场营销方面的,分开的两篇!知道要求比较多了点,我会尽可能多的送分的,只要系统允许!楼下的不要 请问“职业规划”的英文怎么说? 职业规划用英文怎么说? KPMG网申需要写职业规划,用英文,谁能启发我一下? 英文写文章帮我用英语写几篇文章,内容不重要,字数尽量多点,但不要太多我的职业规划,我的理想工作,我的梦想,个人简历,我为奥运做过什么.如果答的好, 有英文高手可以帮我写一份超人总动员的英文影评?(200字) 帮我写一份关于Eiffel Tower 的英文搞要英文搞,不用太多,谢咯! 我正在申请乘务员 要求用英文写申请动机与入职后的职业规划1.申请动机(500英文字母)2.入职后的规划(500字母)最好不要复制 写得好的话 再加分是空姐好的 我写一下中文的好了 你们也 谁能帮我找一份英文版的元素周期表? 我有一份食物清单的英文 求小学英语说课稿拜托大家帮我找一份全英文的人教版小学英语说课稿我不急着要 麻烦大家慢慢帮我找 一定要是全英文的 大韩航空空姐招聘时简历的职业规划和申请动机怎么写 英文的大约十到十五句话 最好能结合大韩的服务理念那些的 职业规划就是如果被大韩航空聘用以后对当大韩空姐的职业规划 我希望大家在一起共同努力的英文怎么写? 帮我写一份关于Arc de Triomphe的英文搞要英文搞,不用太多,写咯 刚才做了一份职业规划测试,谁能帮我解释一下有规律的科学和研究工作是指具体的什么工作呀? 你对自己的职业规划的英文作文.大学英语的作文.急140字左右大概 英文的三分钟自我介绍谁能帮我写一份3分钟的自我介绍.不用太高端,女生、性格开朗、~ 谁帮我写一份英文情诗ilovexiefanglei